Thursday, September 15, 2016

Made by Nancy!

Last night was a not able to sleep night.  Bed to couch, bed to couch!   Feet and hands achy, leg pains.  I think I got about 3 hours total sleep until around 4 this morning.  Then slept until close to 9.  Felt tired all day.  Did some shopping with mom before we took her home.  Boy, did we have a thunder storm.  I have said this before, I have never heard thunder like FL thunder.

Had the most beautiful, emotional surprise today.  Kristi came carrying a large box in tow.  Craftsy box.  Craftsy is a website that has a lot of quilt kits to make.  I thought maybe she ordered me a kit.  But to my surprise, I opened it and there was a quilt made by Nancy (my Chambersburg neighbor).  Not only did she made me a quilt, she made a circle of family and friends quilt.  Nancy coordinated getting actual signatures of my family and friends on quilt patches and incorporated them into this beautiful quilt.  Have a very emotional video of me when I realized what it was, which you won't see.  Lol.  Nancy was so happy I didn't have a clue about this wonderful surprise.  No one let it slip.  I can not express my thanks enough.  This quilt will be snuggling me for years to come.  I will post a picture once we figure out how to add a picture again.  To end it all, when I flipped the quilt over, the backing is white material with xoxo all over it.  Just perfect.  Just beautiful.

Written on the back of my quilt:

"Circle of Family & Friends"
Made for my friend & former neighbor
        Kathy Snowberger

by Nancy Corcoran, Chambersburg, PA
       September 2016

machine quilted by
  Roxanna Iser


Friends become our chosen family!