Tuesday, November 19, 2019


I have been thinking about where I was 2 1/2 months ago.  I was in a wheel chair most of the time, couldn't get a full shower alone, couldn't dress myself, couldn't make dinner, couldn't go to the bathroom without someone helping me, couldn't walk without assistance, couldn't lift my left arm, couldn't use my left hand, couldn't use this Mac as I couldn't type, couldn't sleep in my bed only in the recliner that was about 3 feet from where my sister, Deb was sleeping, couldn't do the laundry, couldn't sew, couldn't drive, couldn't use my iPad and phone correctly.    Couldn't, couldn't do much.  Dependent on others to help me with just about everything.   Not fun but with that help, I am where I am today.  No wheel chair, shower on my own, able to dress myself,  make dinner, walk without a cane, lift my left arm, use my left hand, sleep in my bed, use my iPad and phone, on and on.  A lot of the help came from my sister, Deb and Bill encouraging me, the physical therapist, Jeremy, and Kate, my occupational therapist.  Kristi and Kerri encouraging me.  A lot of texts, cards, phone calls from so many of you encouraging me.  Michelle, Gery and Sharon sitting with me so Bill could go to the grocery store etc.  Sandy and Denny making us dinners, sitting with me also.  My sister Cheri flying in for a week to see for herself that I was okay.  Today, with all this help,  I feel I have made pretty much a full recovery from my brain surgery.  A surgery that was to have me in the hospital for 3 to 5 days but ended up being there for 26 days.  Several of those that I have no memory of.  Just what Bill, Kristi and Kerri tell me about.  Some of it funny.  Like singing "Oh Holy Night" to Sasha, looking for Jakob, seeing Ana and Ellie playing a game, telling Bill and Kristi to shut up so I could sleep, repeating the same word over and over and a lot more.  Some not so funny.  Like pulling out my feeding tube, pulling out my IV's, relying on the nurses to move me around in the bed.  Some I don't want to remember.  But today because of all these could nots and all of these cans, I am where I am.  Able to function normally.  What I call normal.  Bill may have comments on that. :).

Had a follow up appointment with Dr. Sarriera today, November 19th.  I am now taking Thalidomide every day with no week off.  Not too sure I am happy about that.  This chemo pill makes me so fatigued every day.  No energy.  So hard to get moving.  Dr. Sarriera says more exercise.  I also will be taking Dex once a week.  I have a mild rash which we are sure is coming from the Thalidomide.  I have always got a light rash from the Dex but that would disappear in a day or so.  This rash doesn't seem to want to disappear.  It doesn't itch.  Will watch to make sure it doesn't get worse.  Also had labs drawn for CMP, CBC and Myeloma.  Those results will be coming in to my portal day by day.  The Myeloma results take longer.  In fact, the one result takes almost a week.  I go back to see Dr. Sarriera December 17th.  Meanwhile, he and his staff will be watching the lab results.

Wish I could post pictures here so you could see, for those who haven't seen her, our new addition.  Leeta.  She's a 5 year old basset/terrier mixed rescue that we adopted about 1 1/2 weeks ago thanks to Kristi and Poodle and Pooch.  Such a sweetheart.  She's a keeper.

When Deb was here, we decided to make cookies.  She would give me one when I accomplished something we had been working on.  One day I got my slacks on myself.  I was talking to mom on the phone using my right hand and Deb handed me a piece of a cookie in my left hand.  I tried to get the cookie up to my mouth.  Now remember I didn't have much control of that hand.  Not happening.  All Deb could do was laugh.  Hand trying to get the cookie up to my mouth, head moving, mouth open.  Not happening.  Finally said goodbye to mom and put the cookie in my right hand and ate it.  Sorry, no video.  Thanks for that laugh and many more while you were here Deb.


Life is a precious gift.  We realize this when we are fighting cancer to stay alive.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Day 10 of my Thalidomide and week 2 of the Dex.  Just a few of the side effects.  Rash from the Dex just like before.  On my face mostly.  Goes away.  The worse problem is the tiredness.  No energy.  When I get up in the morning, I can't seem to get it together.  Takes me most of the morning and a nap too start to feel okay.  Then my day gets a little better.  Some days it's an all day thing.  Hate it.  And this time change doesn't help.  But I will continue taking the chemo pill hoping that it chases the Myeloma in my legs away.  I have an appointment with Dr. Sarriera on Thursday, November 7th.  Probably going to get hollared at for not starting the Thalidomide sooner.  I had a good excuse.  And I am behind on the blood work I think.  Will get this all straighten out at my visit.  Oh, the appointment is at 9 AM.

Bill is making good progress from his eye surgery.  Bubble is dissipating more and more each day.  Long process for him.  But doing the best he can with one good eye.

Bill and I have been looking for a dog.  Didn't want a puppy for sure.  Kristi has been watching for us too.  We decided to fill out an application to adopt with the rescue group Kristi works with, Poodle and Pooch.  This way they have our app on file if a dog comes in we would be interested in.  The person who receives the app called Bill and ask him how many dogs we had now.  He said none.  Well, on the app it said nine.  Oops, slip of the finger.  This person knows Kristi and she knew if we had nine dogs, Kristi would have told her.


Being strong is the only choice I have while fighting this cancer.  Cancer sucks.