Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Last week I had my treatment of Darzalex on Tuesday, October 16th along with my Kyprolis drip.  Wednesday, October 17th was my Kyprolis drip.  Had Myeloma labs drawn on the 16th.  Then on October 18th, I had my Pet Scan done. Not that I remember a lot of it.  Slept through it and slept most of the day away once home.  Gotta love Ativan.  This week was only my Kyprolis.  Yesterday, October 23rd and again today, October 24th.  Both treatments went smoothly.  Yesterday's a bit longer because of labs needed to check my platelets and bilirubin.  Bilirubin was a bit high but not high enough to contact Dr. Sarriera for approval to administer my chemo.  Today, no labs needed.

Also, today, October 24th was our appointment with Dr. Sarriera to review the results of my Pet Scan and Myeloma labs.  Labs all good.  M-spike is 0.1 and my light chains are up and down (but he said normal for me).  Then we discussed my Pet Scan that I had last Thursday, October 18th.   There is no new Myeloma from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.  Lesions that were seen are all inactive.  Wonderful.  Great.  But as always, there is a however.  But not a huge however.  One that Bill and I are accepting as not a major downer.  The soft tissue by my thoracic spine that was discovered several months ago to be Myeloma, has not fully disappeared.  It's being attacked and is shrinking with my treatments but more treatments needed to dissipate this small mass of soft tissue.   It is now very minute in size according to Dr. Sarriera.  I was a little disappointed because I wanted him to say it was gone.  But is really good to hear my treatments are working.  We will take this and will have happy holidays this year.

I will continue to have the Kyprolis twice a week for 3 weeks on and one week off.  He said this will be for a year and then maybe once a week for 3 weeks on and one week off.  Darzalex will be once a month forever.  We will repeat the Pet Scan in six months.  And I will see him at the end of November.  Bill asked again about the Dex.  Dr. Sarriera asked if it was bothersome.  Bill replied that its not for her but for him.   We got a good laugh about that.  Dr. Sarriera explained that Dex is a big part of the treatments for Myeloma.  We will leave as is.  We had cut the dosage down several weeks ago.

All and all this is good news and Dr. Sarriera is happy with what he is seeing.  I know Bill is too and I am trying to also.  Takes me longer to accept things as I deal with this in my mind every day. Try not to but it's not easy not to.   Just want to be done.  2 1/2 years.  Just want to be done.  Will be 2 years November 14th that I had my transplant.  Just want to be done. Oh, did I tell you that I am on Dex and my emotions are showing.  :0

Bill and I have been watching Kristopher's home football games live on You Tube on Friday nights.  We pulled his game up last Friday on You Tube and settled in for a fun night watching our grandson play football in Colorado from our seats in Florida.  Watched the whole game with texting Kerri.  Bill made a remark that the band was playing the same songs as the week before.  Then they pulled the winning ticket for the 50/50 drawing, same name and number as the week before.  We remarked on that.  Then the announcer did a shout out to Bill and I watching our grandson Kristopher Aguirre playing football from our home in Florida.  Same as he did the week before.  Kerri text asking if we saw that play or that play.  We did.  At the end of the game, I text her saying that it was a great game and the score was the same as the week before, 42 - 7.  Okay, you all know where this is going.  She text - huh, the score was 12-7.  Well, we were actually watching the previous weeks game again.  Duh.  We all got a good laugh about that.  Bill and I did watch the replay on You Tube of the right game the next day.  Go Huskies.


Every day I challenge this cancer and survive is a victory for me.


  1. Wonderful news, BFF! Keep on keeping on! Love you!

  2. My love and prayers to you and I know you will do fine. God bless.
