Today was my appointment with Dr. Sarriera to discuss my results from my Pet Scan. And what wonderful, wonderful news. We had seen the results in my portal and read them as being good but needed Dr. Sarriera's saying - you are right, all is good. First as we waited for Dr. Sarriera, Abby came in to the room with a big smile on her face. She wanted to tell me that all was good from the Pet Scan even though we weren't to see her today. Big hugs. Then a doctor that is shadowing Dr. Sarriera came in and asked questions about my neuropathy, breathing, etc, etc, etc. Hate to say this but he needs more training. :) Finally Dr. Sarriera came in with a big smile on his face. Sat down and said all was good. No active Myeloma showed up on the Pet Scan. I asked to see the scans of the spine. We compared the last scan and the ones taken this week and there was not any Myeloma tissue there. So the Myeloma tissue in my spine has dissipated. Yeah. Any lytic lesions that were visible on the scan were all inactive. Great report. We know there is always Myeloma lurking but right now we are happy to hear that none can be found. And we want to keep it that way. So my maintenance plan goes in to effect the week after next. Yes, I talked him in to having another week off from chemo but not Dex.
So my treatment plan is as follows. I will now have Kyprolis once a week for three weeks and then have a week off. This will be only half of the dosage I was getting. Then Darzalex will be once a month (like now) and the same dosage. Dex will continue to be once a week on Tuesdays. Had talked about stopping it but Dex is a crucial part of the Myeloma treatment. Since my Myeloma is aggressive, we are not taking any chances. This plan will be monitored by weekly labs, Myeloma labs every 7 weeks, appointments with Dr. Sarriera every 8 weeks and Pet Scans every 4 to 6 months. Dr. Sarriera feels Pet Scans work better for me as far as showing any Myeloma. Will be anxious to see how my side effects change with only once a week chemos. More energy, less fatigue????
Bill and I are very happy with our news today. We will keep on saying our prayers to keep the Myeloma at bay. It's been almost 2 1/2 years we have been battling this disease and we are looking for a break. We are hoping this is it. Would like to thank you all for your support, prayers, calls and know you will continue with them. They are greatly appreciated and needed.
Bill keeps a spreadsheet on all my doctor visits and treatment visits. Last year there were 100 visits. We decided this year to cut that in half. And with the news we got today, we are sure we can accomplish that.
Never give up, never give in.
Staying positive in tboughts, prayers, spirit and conversation is always the best medicine for healing!! Keep on keeping on..love you and hugs to Bill!! Xo