Sunday, October 13, 2019


 My sister Cheri headed back to California on, Thursday, October 10th.  Love having her here.  Sisters and brothers are very special you know.  She did get to spend some time with mom too.

My appointment with Dr. Sarriera was Friday, October11th to get his opinion regarding the plasmacytomas found in both my lower legs in the tibia.  Dr. Nanda had called him as he told us he would and they discussed my situation.  Dr. Sarriera reviewed the Pet Scan with us showing us the same things that Dr. Nanda had shown us.  He felt that radiation wasn't the way to go.   So he wants to start me on a chemo plan again.  I will be taking the chemo pill called Thalidamide.  This pill was one of the first chemo pills used to treat Myeloma.  Is the mother of Revlimid and Pomalyst.   Along with the pill, he wants me to go back on Dex and a baby aspirin.   I am to start with a 21 days on and 1 week off.  Then as long as I can tolerate the Thalidamide, I will take it for 28 days and one week off.  Really didn't want to go back on chemo.  But we are depleting the drugs that fight Myeloma so praying this works for me.   Won't be starting the pills for maybe a week or so.  Has to go through my insurance company first.  Just want it to work without a lot of side effects.   Something has to work for me.   Been saying that for over 3 years.

Bill's surgery is this Wednesday, October 16th.  Praying that goes well for him.  I will now get to be the caregiver to him for a while.

So I was getting my lab work done for my appointment with Dr. Sarriera.  The nurse was looking at his orders and I said to her that this was just the normal labs.  Don't think he ordered marijuana labs this go round.  She just started laughing.  Me too, once I realized what I said.


Cancer is an ugly disease. But Hope is whispering,   "Never give up.  Try it one more time."

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