Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Pay it Forward

Cycle 3, day 1 was today.  Got labs drawn, in my room around 9.  Oncology nurse today was Stephanie.  Have had her before.  Of course, as often as I go, I do get the same ones.  Room was a large private one.  Like them.  Bill can stretch out.  Labs back.  Bilirubin was high and platelets low.  Lab need approval to continue from Dr. Sarriera.   Stephanie informed us no Kyprolis today.  Dr. Sarriera on vacation and Dr. Landa didn't feel comfortable giving the go ahead to lower the dosage of the Kyprolis.  Darazalex was okay to infuse.  Bill and I questioned the decision.  I have had higher bilirubin (today 1.7) and lower platelets (today 88).  We said this could be seen in my records.  Still no change in the decision from Dr. Landa.  So tomorrow, I still keep my regular appointment for Kyprolis but will have labs drawn to see if my numbers changed.  First for that as far as the labs go.  We will see.  Bill is still not happy with the way my visit went today.  Kyprolis tomorrow.  Just not sure yet.

Got my pre meds around 10:00.  Started the Darzalex around 10:30.  Eyes went closed around 11.  Woke up for the hourly vitals and back out.  And the great news was that my highest blood pressure was only 129/64.  Will keep monitoring it at least once a day.

Tomorrow my beautiful, sweet Juliana heads home.  I think she is ready.  I know her momma is ready.  I will miss her.  I miss all my grandkids that do not live in FL.  I will still have my sweet, beautiful Sasha and Ellie here.  They are available for Didi hugs!!

I got a pedicure and manicure last Friday.  While getting the pedicure, I met a great mother and her daughter.  Daughter was telling me that her 89 year old grandmother was moving in with her and her fiancé soon.  They were looking for a home with a split floor plan.  Had look at 12 houses the day before and had 7 more to look later that day.  We talked about the cost of the homes skyrocketing in this area.  I told her we finally found a home with the split floor plan because my mom was going to move in with us but didn't happen.   Talked about a house they liked but had so much work to do on it.  But they really like it.  Going to put an offer on it after looking at these next 7.  Will deal with the upgrades as they can.  She then ask why my mom didn't move in with us.  I told her and she sat there for about another 1/2 hour.  She asked a lot of questions about Myeloma.  Listened as I told her.  Asked more questions and listened.  They finally left.  My nail tech, Thu (pronounced two), told me that my pedicure and manicure was paid by Jessica.  I just started to cry.  What a wonderful thing she did.  Fortunately, as I left, she and her mom were walking out of a restaurant.  I was able to give her a hug and thank her.  And I promised her I would Pay it Forward.  This is long but I needed to share and mostly need to remember this.


Be faithful in small things because it is in them your strength lies.


  1. There still are amazing caring people out there. You were blessed to have met one. Love ya bunches
