Yesterday was Cycle 3 Day 8 so they told me. And what a day it was. They were not able to draw blood from my port. Had two oncology nurses in the draw station. The one I got was fairly new. So tried these things when she couldn't get a blood return. Removed needles and put in new needles in my port. We laid back, coughed, arm to the right, head to the left, head to the right, arm to the left, stand up, look right, both arms in the air, sit down and lean forward with your elbows on your knees. Nope, not happening. No blood. Called in the other oncology nurse. Been there for quite a while. Had her before and not problem. She went through some of the same positions. Wasn't happening. Asked if they could use my arm. We need six tubes today. Okay. First nurse back. Pricked me. No blood drawing. Moved needle left, right, in further. Nothing. Second nurse back. No luck. Okay, let's try the left arm and called in a third person that usually never fails getting blood draws. Yes, she was the one. Got six tubes in no time finally. This took so long that Bill came back to the draw station to see what was going on. Today my arms are bruising up nicely. ;)
Went back to my room and my oncology nurse there was Kerrie. And my coach was Jakob. Thought that was funny. Not spelled like my Kerri though! Jakob wanted to see what his Didi had to do each week. Kerrie proceeded to give my another 20 mg of Dex via IV. I had already taken my 40 orally at home before we left. I questioned this and she said it was ordered as such. Okay, 60 mg of steroids are good??? Up till 1 and up again at 7. Labs back. Bilirubin was 2.3. Had to call Dr. Sarriera for go ahead on the chemo (Kyprolis). He was with patients so it took awhile. Potassium low so had to take a pill. Finally got the go ahead and tell lab to mix my Kyprolis. Took awhile again. Bill finally came back and relieved Jakob. His girlfriend (Audrey) was in the waiting room with Bill. Glad Bill did.
I was handed the phone and was told Dr. Sarriera wanted to talk to me. Thinking this is not so good if he is calling while I am have my treatment. Wanted to tell me that my case and MRI/brain scan was reviewed at the "hematology oncology multidisciplinary conference" just a little before he called. They found a hazy area in the indentation on the right side of my head where I had my radiation. This could be one of several things, a hazy area, inflammation from the radiation even though it's been over a year, scar tissue or Multiple Myeloma. Since there isn't any MRI to compare it to before the radiation, we will continue 6 to 8 more weeks of my treatment plan and then do the MRI again. He doesn't want to do anything that is invasive at this time, like more radiation or a biopsy. Needs something to compare. We are praying that it's any of the ones above except the Myeloma. Need a break here!
Today, Wednesday, I went back for my Cycle 3, day 9 Kyprolis. Was taken back to the draw station by Ellen. Have had her several times and no problems. BUT guess what, no blood draw again. Didn't need labs but need to have blood draw to show my lines are clear for the chemo. We did a few dances (Ha!) but nothing. Finally said my tubes going to my port were probably clogged (small clots). So added a blood thinner through my port to clean it. This was TPA (Tissue plasminogen activator). TPA in a much higher is given to people that are having a stroke.
TPA takes abut 30 minutes to work. Miles was my oncology nurse in my room. He finally, after 45 minutes, got a good blood draw. My Kyprolis had been mixed and ready for my infusion. Administered that, my saline IV of 3 minutes, my Heprian flush, removed my needles in my port and we were done. Another day that should have been quick but seems like something stands in the way.
Go back next Tuesday for my long Darzalex day. Kyprolis then too. Then Wednesday for another IV of Kyprolis. Also, have any appointment with Dr. Sarriera and Abby.
Received a call from Moffett regarding the Car-T trial. I do not have the cell in my bone marrow they were looking for so I do not qualify for this trial. However, there is another trail out there that I do qualify for but is' full right now. If a spot comes open, they will call me. Really right now that's okay because I need to do this 6-8 weeks of treatment and another MRI so we know what this hazy spot is that is lurking out there.
Enjoying Jakob and Audrey's visit. Forgot what it was like to have teenagers. They got here Saturday. Had a great breakfast at KeKe's. Jakob wanted to pay. They have been to the beach twice, ate dinner at a Thai restaurant and a fondue restaurant. Shopped at Ron Jon's. Stayed with us some and his Aunt Kristi some. Got tattoo along with his Aunt Kristi. Fun, fun, fun.
There are always changes in the medical field. We have had the pleasure of becoming friends with one of the oncology nurses. Mike. He has treated me several times and is so knowledgeable in his field of oncology. When he would pass a room that I was being treated in, he never failed to pop his head in and say hello and see how I was doing. Also an avid reader, he and Bill exchanged a lot about authors and good books to read. Mike is staying with UF Health Cancer Center but going to another location. They are lucky to get him.
Saw this on a t-shirt (I added a few things to it). Had to use this tonight for my quote. Just seemed appropriate.
I have been stuck with more needles, had more x-rays, MRIs, pet scans, tests. procedures during my journey so far, than most people will have in a life time. I am a cancer warrior!
A strong warrior, at that! Xoxo