Sunday, April 14, 2019


The requested tests Dr. Sarriera ordered to see the progression of my Myeloma have been scheduled for this week and next.

Tomorrow, April 15th, will start with my bone marrow biopsy.  This biopsy will be done at ORMC (Orlando Reginal Medical Center) which is part of UF Health Cancer Center.  And I will be under anesthesia.  We have to be at the hospital by 6 AM.  Will have to leave here by 5:15.  Surgery scheduled for 8 AM.

Tuesday, April 16th, is my chemo infusion of Kyprolis.  Should be a short day.   Do need to have Myeloma labs drawn along with my regular labs (CBC and CMP).  Dex day too.

Scheduled for Thursday, April 18th, is the MRI.   This will be a 2 1/2 hour scan.  I hope I can do this one, claustrophobia that I am.  Dr. Sarriera prescribes anxiety meds to help me through it.

Then, Monday, April 22nd, we have scheduled the Pet Scan.  Another test that I need anxiety meds for.

Tuesday, April 23rd, chemo infusion of Kyprolis.  Dex of course too.

Friday, April 26th, is our appointment with Dr. Sarriera to discuss all the results from the above tests. Praying that nothing shows up.  But in my heart, I think there may be Myeloma lurking somewhere again.  Dr. Sarriera will have a plan if it shows it’s ugly face.

Been thinking about my great grandmother especially when I am sewing.  Grandma Smiley.  She was the one who taught me to sew using a “Treadle” machine.  No electric there.  Just use your feet to operate.  We made quilts, rugs, dish rags, pillows, doll clothes and more.  Wish I had that machine to teach my granddaughters to sew on.


In the darkest times, Hope is something you give yourself.


  1. Prayer Kathy. We are sending lots of prayers.

    1. Thanks Wayne. All prayers needed once again. xo

  2. We love you and are praying continually!!
