We arrived around 1:15 for my 1:30 appointment with Dr. Nair, oncology surgeon. They were pretty much on time calling me back. Very anxious couple of days for Bill and I waiting for this appointment even though it was only a consultation. Dr. Nair talk with me regarding the lump and then examined it. He said that Dr. Sarriera sent him a note and also had a brief conversation with him. Said Dr. Sarriera was very concerned and wanted a biopsy done on the lump. We then told him that my labs were excellent with M spike being 0 (this is wonderful for a Myeloma patient), all my light chains within normal range, my IGE near being in range etc. etc. He reread the notes again that Dr. Sarriera sent him and told us he would be right back. Was going to discussed it once again with Dr. Sarriera. He came back in and said that Dr. Sarriera really wanted this biopsy done so we needed to have the surgery schedule. Dr. Nair discussed the procedure with me saying that it would take about 30 to 40 minutes. Recovery about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. He will shave, yes shave, part of my head. Make an incision and take some of the lump for testing. He also mentioned that Myeloma patients have a tendency to bleed a lot so there are times it is better to remove the whole thing verses just a piece. Will make that decision at the time of the surgery. Mentioned the skin on the skull is very thick. I will be under anesthesia (if not, I would be asking for some anxiety drugs). This will be preformed as an out patient and very rarely does anyone have to stay overnight. You all know me and how I am so I will pack a small overnight bag just in case. LOL!!!
He left and his nurse discussed a few other things with us. She left and the surgery scheduler came in and discussed a few other things. We have to go to an 1 1/2 hour preop session a few days before surgery. This will be to talk to the anesthesiologist and review the do's and don'ts. She is trying to get the surgery scheduled for next week and I should know by tomorrow the date. Insurance company has to be notified first and foremost. Then she walked us out to check out desk, then to the elevator. So nice. I had to chuckle because this is the check out desk and elevator we have used for almost a year now. Again, so nice of her.
That's all I know for now but once I hear from the scheduler, I will let everyone know the date. Once again, I appreciate everyone's concern for me. It is wonderful to have the support group that I have with all of you and everyone that you have added. The prayers are still welcomed and appreciated. The positive energy is still welcomed and appreciated. The thoughts are still welcomed and appreciated. All of you are appreciated!!!
Well, our first born grandchild, Jakob, graduates this Friday night. So unbelievable to me. No way, can't be, say it isn't so. Dr. Sarriera gave me the okay to fly out for this wonderful occasion. One that I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to attend. Would have broken my heart for sure. BUT I will be able to see Jakob's graduation. Will be a short trip but I will be able to see Jake graduate. And did I mention that I will be able to see Jakob graduate!!!! Jakob called me today, "Didi, can you believe this is my last day of high school? Wow. Happy but sad Didi. And excuse my French but HOLY SHIT"! Made me laugh. Wasn't sure what French he was going to use. I have heard a lot worse. ;)
Love and laughter are two of the most important cancer treatments in the world. Overdose of both of them!
I am SO glad you can go to the graduation. DO NOT overdo though. Prayers that this new lump is nothing.......XOXOXO