They Let Anyone Shop Here.
Had my doctor's appointment on Friday, May 12th. Labs drawn and then a 45 minute wait to see
Dr. Sarriera and Abby. Kathy, the lab tech that draws my blood, and I are on first name basis. It's wonderful being recognized by so many of the persons that work in the Cancer Center. Not a place anyone wants to be but when you have so many friendly people there, it sure does make it easier. Abby usually comes in the exam room and talks with us first. I discuss with her what I have questions about and she in turn, reviews them with Dr. Sarriera before he comes to exam me. Had several things to discuss with Dr. Sarriera. First and foremost was my constant rash from the Revlimid. He decided that I will no longer take the Revlimid. I asked what we would do for a maintenance plan. At this time nothing. He will monitor my Myeloma with my blood draws. Next was how long do I have to be on Acyclover (meds used to prevent Shingles)? As long as I am not having any side effects, he would like me to continue. Will discuss again in a few months. Immunizations was the next issue. I am due for 5 more "baby" shots this month. I will be getting them at my next appointment on June 2nd. Also, we discussed me going to a physical therapist for my left arm. X-rays showed nothing.
My next discussion was regarding a lump I found on my head just below what I call my crater.
Dr. Sarriera was quite concerned about this lump. Needs to biopsied. Explained just because my lab numbers are good and the Myeloma is not measurable, this does not mean there isn't any cancer. There is always cancer there when you have Myeloma. His concern alarmed Bill and I once again. Appointment was made with Dr. Nair, the oncology surgeon for a consolation Tuesday, May 16th. I had seen Dr. Nair last year when I first was diagnosed. He had examined my lump (not a crater then). Dr. Sarriera and Abby then left Bill and I. We just looked at each other and of course, my tears started. Not like I wanted to cry but I once again felt the "fear" I felt last July when I heard the word cancer. Felt the fear of, once again, the unknown of what is on my head. Felt the fear of what may happen. Then the door opened and in walked Desiree, belly and all. She wanted to share her latest sonogram with us. She wanted to tell us that she is having a girl and a boy. Seeing Desiree's happy smile, sonogram picture of her babies and her large belly (ha!) helped me smile and chase some of that fear away. Desiree just seems to be there at the right times. Yes, I have a lot of fear still but I am trying to push the negatives out and let the positives in. Easier said then done.
Because of the concern of this lump, we didn't get a chance to discuss my lab results. From what Bill and I can see on my health portal, they are all in good ranges. Still a few of the Myeloma lab results to come in.
Today I stopped at Publix to get a card and plant for mom for Mother's Day. I heard someone saying "They let anyone shop here". I didn't look up to see who was saying it because we don't recognize anyone when we are out and about. We don't know a lot of people. Then I hear "YooHoo". So I had to look up and it's a guy we met through Michelle and Gery. First time ever since we moved to FL. I felt like a real residence of FL. ;)
No matter how many times I break down, there's a little piece of me that says "NO, you're not done yet. Get BACK UP!"
Keep your chin up Miss Kathy --- prayers are still with you. Much luck to you tomorrow. Focus on the positives in your life however small they may be. Grandkids fit that bill. XOXOXO