Thursday, May 25, 2017

Number 97.

This is another one of my long posts for remembering.  Thanks for reading it if you do.

Today I had my surgery to remove the lump on my head.  Got to the hospital around 9:30 as requested.  That was 2 hours before scheduled surgery.  I got signed in and Bill was assigned NUMBER 97.  No names shouted out in the family waiting area.  Great idea.  Of course, it's been a long time since I have had surgery and the prep is really different.  First I had to remove all clothing and wash with these cleansing cloths even though I showered last night and this morning using their cleansing soap.  Had to wash myself with my regular bath soap.  Then lather up with their cleansing soap.  Turn off the shower and wait 3 minutes and then shower off their cleansing soap.  That was last night and this morning's shower.  Also, had to remove my nail polish on my fingernails and toenails.  So they gave me 3 packs of cleansing cloths, back at the hospital now.  Two in a pack.  Use one for one of my arms and the other one for my other arm.  Next pack, use one for my chest and the other one for my back.  Third pack, use one for one of my legs and the other one for my other leg.  Then put on this large blue paper gown.  Looked like it had pockets in it.  Open side to the back.  Open side to the back.  Open side to the back.  LOL.  Saying this because I always forget which way they tell me to put the open side.  Been that way forever.  Crawled in bed and in comes another nurse's aid.  This time she had me brush my teeth.  Okay, did this at home.  Then she gave me Iodine Qtips, one for each nostril, to swab my nose.  Did this twice.  Did not do this at home.  ;)   Then wrapped my legs in paper compression socks.  Temperature taken.  Blood pressure monitor hooked up.  EKG tabs placed on chest and abdomen.  None of this I minded because I knew it was an in and out surgery.  Not staying for 30 days.  Not being 2 hours from home.  Sure made it easier on me.

Next was my nurse, Brenda.  She took vitals, asked questions.  Preparing me for the anesthesiologist. He came in then and reviewed my case.  Blood work, EKG etc.  I did question him about having anesthesia with my immune system not in full tact yet.  He assured me that it was considered and would be fine.  Signed his papers.  Brenda then started my IV with Sodium Chloride for hydration and added a mild sedative in my IV.  Then NUMBER 97 was brought back.  Brenda then wrote YES on the lump and on my neck so Dr. Nair would get the right area.  This made me laugh and wonder at the same time.

Now this was one of my favorite things in the prep room.  Again, remember it's been a long time since I have had surgery.  Was getting cold and Brenda hooked my big blue paper gown up to a machine that blew hot air in the gown.  Instant warmth.  Loved it.  Would love to have one at home. Was called a Bair Paw machine.  Can't figure out why that name.

Next came the OR nurses to question me before going back for surgery.  Next came the tears.  Next came the anxiety.  Next came the fears.  Next came saying see you later to NUMBER 97.  Next came another shot of the sedative in my IV.  Talked a bit more to Bill.  I remember OR nurses and Brenda saying it's 11:11 as the time heading to OR (this was my second next favorite thing)  (Louise Curwood).  Never saw the room, never saw Dr. Nair, never saw the anesthesiologist, never saw the OR nurses and never saw the time.  Especially missed not seeing Dr. Nair.  So nice looking.

Next came waking up in recovery.  New nurse.  Forget her name.  Big white patch on the side of my head.  Vitals taken.  Cranberry juice, water and graham crackers on my tray.  Then they brought NUMBER 97 back.  Blood pressure dropped to 85/50.  Made me lay back more and eat and drink.  Wasn't long till it went back up to 115/60 (?), I think.  Discussed with NUMBER 97 what Dr. Nair said after surgery (below).  Unhooked me from all the monitors.  Give me a pain pill.  Got discharge instructions.  Got dressed and took the Cadillac (wheelchair) ride to the car.

Dr. Nair visited with NUMBER 97 after the surgery.  Surgery took about 40 minutes.  Stitches on the outside so will have to be removed in two weeks.  (Not sure how many though.)  Need to make appointment with Dr. Sarriera (already have one for June 2nd).  The biopsy with testing will be back in 48 hours.  Being it's a weekend and a holiday it may be Tuesday till we hear.  Bill (AKA - NUMBER 97) asked Dr. Nair his gut feelings about the lump since he saw it.  He said he was almost certain it wasn't a cyst or wasn't fatty tissue.  But not saying it's Myeloma related.  Will have to wait for the test results.  He also said to Bill "You were thinking along that way anyway right?"  Which we were.  Hard not to think along those ways.  We like to have positive thoughts but not always that easy for us.

Got home around 4.  Ate a bit of lunch.  Bill (no long NUMBER 97) and I both slept till around 6.  Had some dinner.  Door bell rang; Michelle with some ice cream from Jeremiah's.  Made a big bowl of it with strawberries and pineapple.  🍨  Great way to end the day.


And sometimes against all odds, against all logic, we still have hopes and prayers.


  1. You and #97 did great! Love you.

