Using so much electricity.
Yesterday was my week 2 for my Kyprolis drip. We got signed in around 12:20. They took me right back to do my labs before I even sat down. Labs done and back out to the waiting room till Angie, my oncology nurse, called me back to room 17. She told us all my labs were back and the order was sent to the pharmacy to mix my chemo. And that it shouldn't be long. Bill and I looked at each other and he said - this will be a first. Well, let me tell you, it was a very long wait. The nurses apologized several times. Finally came through. Hooked it up, had it green lined and drip was started. Done. Flush started and then heparin injected.
Had a pain on the right side of my head by my ear (but not in my ear) that would shoot up to the top of my head. This was something new. Lasted quite a while. Finally took a Tylenol. Seemed to help. Then around 8:00 I took 2 more Tylenol as instructed by Dr. Sarriera. Went to bed around 9:30. Was so very tired. But NO CHILLS!!! Yay! That's two weeks in a row.
Today was a chemo down day. Got up with a groggy head, dull headache, sinus pain. This lasted most of the morning. Finally laid down around 1 and slept till 4. Felt a bit better. And now at 9 PM, I am about ready to head to bed again. I hate these chemo down days. Hoping and praying that some day I will be able to not have them. But I am thinking because of Myeloma not being curable, I will have to do treatments forever. Maybe, just maybe, they will find a way to cure this disease.
Benn will be checking in to Mayo Clinic on Monday to get ready for his bone marrow transplant. I called him the other day to wish him good luck. He was in good spirits. His wife, Carmella, is to set up a blog for the members of our IMF (International Myeloma Foundation) support group. "See you in 3 months" was Benn's happy go lucky words to me. Please say a prayer for my friend Benn and his family.
Well, my hair continues to grow slowly but surely. It's about 2 inches or more and to the point that I have to make it wet on my off washing days. Then I have to use the hair dryer to try to tame it down and style it a little. The other day, Bill came in as I was drying it and said - "What did I tell you about using so much electricity?" Was so funny but very heart warming. Bill, my wonderful, caring, loving caregiver. Just not sure where I would be if I didn't have him.
Cancer can open many doors. One of the most important is your heart.
My Dad’s the best! ❤️