Thursday, April 19, 2018


First I made it through Tuesday's Kyprolis drip without any chills.  Yeah.  That was wonderful.  Went to bed early, well early for me, and slept until 10 AM Wednesday.  Up until around 2 PM and slept again until 5:30.  Back in bed around 11.  Then even had trouble getting up at 8:30 this morning.  Chemo will do that to you.

My Pet Scan results have been back in my portal for a few days.  Bill and I tried to make sense of them.   We had an idea what they were saying.  I contacted via email, Dr. Sarriera's office asking for him to read the results and let me know what was they meant.  The response I got back was Dr. Sarriera will discuss with you at your appointment on Thursday.   Not his normal response.  Tried to tell myself that the person who read the email, thinking it wasn't Desiree, didn't really tell him I was concerned.

Today is Thursday.  My appointment was at 11:45.  Dr. Sarriera did his exam of me then said "let's discuss your labs.  All looks good except your Lamda light chains.  They are up and concerning to me.  Last time they were up was last August when you found the lump in your head during your last radiation treatment.  Now on to your Pet Scan.  There were a few things that were not concerning.  Nothing on your scalp.  However, there was an increase of soft tissue to the left of the thoracic spine. This may indicate Myeloma especially since all of your Myeloma has started in your soft tissue."
Dr. Sarriera showed us the Pet Scan and the area of concern.  Then "I would like to have this area biopsied.  You will be put in a light sleep, area numbed and biopsy performed."

Not what we wanted to hear but figured it would be something.  Up and down.  Up then down.  Seems we can't get a break for very long.  We try to be happy but know around the corner, down.  That's the way my disease operates.  This ugly, incurable disease.   This incurable, ugly disease.

We discussed my cough, me telling him I figured it was allergies.  He said it may be the inflammation of the soft tissue leaning against my diaphragm.

We also discussed Bill and I going to Moffitt for a second opinion since I have had several relapses since my transplant.  Dr. Sarriera is going to make a recommendation to get the ball rolling.  Not sure when that will happen.  We will go even if the biopsy is benign.

My next appointment is May 15th with Dr. Sarriera unless the biopsy is done and back before then.

When we go to the Cancer Center, we hit a lot of lights on the way.  Green, yellow, red.  Today I told Bill he just went through a red light.  He said, "It was yellow when I saw it!"  A little bit of a Floridian driver would you say?


One day at a time.  Do what you can, do your best.  Let God handle the rest.

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