1/2 off
Lots of things to post about tonight so hold on. Will probably be one of my lengthy posts. But will help me remember things a year from now, two years from now, 10 years from now and 20+ years from now.
Monday I had an appointment with our new family doctor, Dr. Tonya Young-Henley. This is my third appointment with her. Bill and I are both very happy with her, her office, her staff and the caring they all present. This was an appointment to go over my recent blood work she requested and to discuss any problems, concerns etc with her. First, the blood work she requested was added to my labs for Dr. Sarriera. This way I didn't have to have blood drawn twice. However, I was to fast for her requests and I didn't. OOPS. I have never fast for any of the thousands of labs I have had over the past 8-9 months so didn't even think about it. But, get this, Dr. Henley was happy with the numbers even though I didn't fast. Cholesterol was one of the main concerns and it was good. We then discussed the pain in my left arm that's mostly in the muscle area. She is ordering X-rays.
My blood pressure was 96/60. She was very concerned about this and decided to give me an EKG. That turned out okay. Only thing detected was one of my heart's four chambers was enlarged. Wants to check my EKG from Moffitt to see if this was mentioned. I was able to get on to my portal for Moffitt and pulled up the EKG information and it was noted there. So it wasn't anything new. I personally think that is the chamber that holds my love for my husband, daughters and their spouses and my grandkids!!! Has to be. Dr. Henley is working on getting my immunizations ready for next month. Time for my post transplant 6 month shots. She discussed my "foggy" head as I call it. Suggested more fluids. All in all was a good visit.
I was to email Desiree and get the Myeloma results from my lab work yesterday, Tuesday. I emailed and she checked with Abby. My email back was labs great. M spike 0. Back I went and asked what that meant. Email back to me was positive immunofixation. Huh? I emailed back again and said I was hoping for more details. Email back to me that Abby would call tomorrow (today). Well, my day didn't start off so good. Emotions running high again. So this was all I needed to bring on the tears and fears. Tried to hide it from Bill but he knows me well. Ruined the rest of the night for both of us. Boy, when those tears start, they have trouble stopping.
This morning went to visit mom. She didn't look so good. Just had physical therapy so I think she was very tired. Spent about 1 1/2 hours with her. Still waiting on the phone call from Abby.
Finally around 3:30 Abby called. She started by saying she was so happy with my lab test results. Asking me then what questions I had? Okay, explain what the M spike at 0 means to us. And where do I see this number on my lab reports (I have a portal and can view my results). This shows up on the report as Para Protein (who knew?). Well, I guess I sort of did because I got on the Internet and look up stuff after I calmed myself down yesterday. Anyway, the 0 means there wasn't any measurable Myeloma cells. This M Spike number and the value of the Kappa/Lambda light chains (the activity of Myeloma cell growth is linked to the amount of light chains in the blood) together are used to determine the measurable Myeloma cells. My Kappa/Lambda light chains value was 1.11 which is in the normal range. Thus, no measurable Myeloma cells. We know Myeloma cells are there but at this time, they are NOT measurable!!! Happy, happy. I asked her what the she meant yesterday by positive immunofixation (Igs antibodies. Too much of the same Ig is usually due to blood cancers). Again, she stated there wasn't a value for this, meaning no measurable Myeloma cells. So from what I gather, even though I know they are in there and always will be, right now there are no measurable Myeloma cells. This is great news. I am very happy with this milestone for me even though I know it will come back some day. That will stick in my mind forever but as each day goes on, I am sure it will be buried deeper and deeper. All this is just too fresh to not worry about that part of my life with Myeloma. And as you all would expect from me, I asked Abby if this meant I was in REMISSION. She said there is "very good partial remission" and "complete remission". She feels that I am in between the two but wants to confirm this with Dr. Sarriera. I will take this answer for now as it's heading towards what I want to hear. Again, I am very happy about this news but still have some anxiety about the future.
Abby mentioned they added the IgE test to be done at the next blood draw. This is the test that Dr. Ochoa used to measure the Myeloma cells. I wanted this done just to compare with his findings.
Talked to her about my light headiness (called by me as foggy head). She said more fluids (adding her fluids and Dr. Henley's fluids, I should be floating) and regular meals with snacks in between. Need to get some healthy snacks as I don't think she means cookies and candy!!!???
Great phone call with the information I was looking for and needed to hear. Not wishy, washy emails especially on one of my emotional days. Go back in three weeks for a check up on my Revlimid rash or no rash. Just a mild one here and there. So maybe it will be every other day for my maintenance
program. Will see. Sounded like they would try me once again on every day later.
Ended my happy news day going for a root beer gelati with Michelle. Jeremiah's was celebrating spring fling days with 1/2 off all sizes of gelatis. Michelle and I frequent this place 2 or 3 times a week. I don't think I can add this to my list of fluids and snacks my doctors were talking about, do you?
A strong person is not one who does not cry. A strong person is one who cries and sheds tears for a moment, then gets up and fights again.
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