Monday, April 3, 2017

Must be the scarf or the hat!

It's back.  Yes, the rash is back.  Seems like once I do the Revlimid every day, it starts.  So back to every other day to see what happens.  It's not as severe as previously but didn't get to day 4 of the every day taking of the pill to see if it would be.  That's about the day that it always started before.  Just don't know what Dr. Sarriera will do if the rash continues.  I do not see him until next week.

My Vertigo seems to be just about gone.  Only happens a little bit if I roll from one side to another once in bed.  Hopefully it was just a fluke one time thing.  However, Dr. Henley said it could come again at any time once it passes, if it did.  Still am not convinced it was the mixture of the Revlimid with my other meds I take.  These meds are different from what I was when I previously took Revlimid.  Just saying.

I had a wonderful friend call me today just to talk.  We talked for a long time.  One thing she did ask me was what did I do when I get anxious.  And I still do have some anxiety.  One of the things I do is sew.  I have made several lap quilts, a scrappy tote bag, finished some squares for another quilt I am making but haven't sewn together yet, started another set of squares, made a few squares from a You Tube person I really like to watch.  Another thing that makes me forget whatever is causing me to be anxious is watch You Tube quilting videos.  I can watch them over and over!  Also just sitting and talking with Bill about what is causing me to be anxious helps me a lot!   What are some of the things that make me anxious?  Well, knowing there isn't an end in sight for this disease is the main one, not knowing if I will ever reach remission, not knowing if and when Multiple Myeloma will strike again, the cost of my meds, the lab results every time I have to have labs drawn, not being able to drive yet.  These are a few things that can cause me to be anxious.  These are a few that I tend to bury when I can.  These are a few that I will someday not remember that they caused me to be anxious.  I can only hope and pray that will happen.

Kristi and I went to see a live performance of The Price Is Right on Sunday.  Even though we did not "come on down", we really enjoyed it.  What excellent seats we had too.  Only 4 rows back from the stage.  Not sure why our names weren't picked.   There were only 3200 seats sold for that show.  They actually had another performance later that day because of the sold out show we went to.  Once we got there, we were told to go over to the registration area and get our official The Price Is Right name tags and to enter our names in to the drawing to be pick as a contestant along with the other 3200 names.  ;)  As I was leaving the registration area, a lady stopped me and asked me if I was in treatment?  I said yes.  She said she had just finished up and was clean of cancer.  She then gave me a hug and said God bless you!  So kind.  I guess she knew because of my hat/scarf I had on.


I wish I could take all this pain and sorrow from you.   But for now, I will offer my hand to hold and my shoulder to lean upon.


  1. Even if you weren't picked for the Price is Right...You will always know I would call out your name to Come on Down!!! There's always hope in sight when you meet someone who notices and has or feels what you are going through..I am very glad those people hug you for those who can't be there to hug you!!! Love you!!
