Sunday, April 16, 2017

wish dream  wish dream  wish dream  wish dream

Had a few days here that I was completely exhausted.  Even took naps two days in a row.  I haven't been taking naps here of late.  Just don't feel I need them.  Instead I am in my sewing room.  But thinking my chemo pill and the time I take them may have something to do with the exhaustion.  So we thought about it and I will now take them around noon or one o'clock like I was when I first started back on them.  See if that helps making the tired time mostly over night.

I forgot to mention that I talked to Abbey at my appointment about dental work.  I have a tooth is bothering me occasionally.  Needed to see what I had to do before I went to the dentist.  Cleanings, exams, fillings require nothing extra.  But anything to do with the bone area, like pulling a tooth or root canal, I need to discuss with Dr. Sarriera and or Abbey.  And since I just recently had my Zometa drip, I have to wait a few more weeks if any of that needs done.  If the tooth is impacted or infected and needs work done on it immediately, I have to call and discuss it with them before any treatment can be done.   Another thing to worry about even though I don't know what is wrong with my tooth. ;)

wish dream  wish dream  wish dream   wish dream
This is written all over my pj pants.  I bought these back in August or September last year when Kristi and I went shopping for me to get some nightgowns/pjs for my Moffitt hospital days.  Turned out to be my favorite.  They are a little big on me but just roll them at the waist and I don't lose them.


When I am resting because my body is weak, I need to remember that I am not wasting the day doing nothing.  I am doing exactly what I need to do, I am recovering.

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