Left handed or right handed?
Today was cycle 6, week 1, day 2 for Kyprolis. Appointment was at 12:30. Was taken directly back to my room where Roxanna put in my port lines, did my vitals, asked me questions. My Kyprolis was brought to my room in about 15 minutes since I didn't need labs. Was all finished around 1. We had time to pass since my appointment with Dr. Sarriera wasn't until 3:30. So went to lunch and stopped in the gift shop. This was a different cafeteria. Really nice and big compared to the one we usually go to. A lot more food to pick from too. And never been to the gift shop. Decided to check to see if there was a possibility they could take us early to see Dr. Sarriera. Just happened to be a cancellation for 2:15. We took it. Thanks Desiree.
Dr. Sarriera came in with a smile on his face which we love to see. Means good things. He said all labs looked good. M spike still O. No monoclonal bands detected. White blood count and neutrophils good. Still a little concerned about why my kappa and lambda light chains are both going down. Usually one goes up and one goes down. But my ratio was better than last time labs were done. Will feel better about this once bone marrow biopsy is done.
Bone marrow biopsy will be scheduled for February 9th. I will have this done at ORMC attached to the Cancer Center. Will be put under for this. Had it done once just in his office and never again. Dr. Sarriera will see me on February 14th to discuss the results. From these results, he will decided if I need to go to cycle 7 or he will put me on a maintenance plan. His plans for maintenance, at this time, is to take me completely off Dex (Bill was happy to hear that), have Kyprolis drip once a week and continue on Cytoxin (oral chemo pill) once a week. Again, this will all be decided once he gets the bone marrow biopsy results back. I am hoping for the maintenance even though we still have to run to the Cancer Center once a week. Not sure how long I will do maintenance, probably forever. But if it prolongs my life another 20 years, I will take it. And as long as I have Bill with me, I can do that.
My Dexoscan showed improvement over my bone health from last year. He was happy with this too. Will continue the Zometa drips every 3 months to continue to strengthen my bones.
Felt things all looked good overall and left with handshakes and another smiling face.
Bill and I feel things are moving in the right direction for us too. Just need this biopsy done to prove it all. And we feel it will.
I had to fill out a questionnaire with I had my Dexoscan done. Much of the same info they already have since I have used SimonMed several times. But I guess they added this new question on the form so have to redo it all. The question was are you left handed or right handed? Sorry but I have never seen this asked before on any form that I have filled out. Just struck Bill and I as funny.
I know I have had tough days and will have more but the fight against cancer, giving up is not one of my options.
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