I have been thinking about doing a "where have you been" for Facebook for a bit now. Today seems like a day I may be able to fill everyone in on my last few weeks adventures. If that is what to call them. Most of you know that I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma cancer at the end of June this year. Started with a lump on my head that was diagnosed first as cellaritious and then fatty tissue by two PA's and a surgeon. I insisted on X-rays. Found lytic lesions through out my scalp. Went to a oncologist and they did tests including a bone marrow biopsy. Found the Myeloma. Plus, not only did they find Myeloma, mine (of course) was a rare type. Had several weeks of chemo. Then they recommend that I have a Bone Marrow transplant (BMT). Had that November 14th. Was in the hospital until Saturday, November 26th. Released to a Moffitt (the Cancer Center I was at), approved hotel. The hotel has strict cleaning rules and care for these approved rooms. It's a two bedroom suite. But I am here to tell you, the furniture (except the beds) are not made for comfort. I may have to say something. LOL. Bill is my caregiver and must be with me 24/7. He is awesome. I couldn't do it without him for sure. We go to the cancer center each day for blood work and if I am low in potasium, calcium, flluids etc. have to have drips of whatever I need. However, today was a free day. Thank heavens. How do I feel? Each day so far is a struggle to get out of bed and get ready. They say it takes time and not to rush it. My head, because of drugs, is always dopey feeling. Starting to eat more, which is good. Have not thrown up for the last 2 days. Yippee. My neurophy is still bad but not as bad as several months ago.
I had one beautiful visitor that I haven't seen in years at the hospital. Judy Carpenter!!! So glad to see her. We now live within two hours of each other and will visit more often for sure. She had always been a special friend!!! Wanted to visit again here at the hotel last night but I wasn't sure how long I would be at the cancer center. And I am totally exhausted after those treatments.
I have received lots of messages etc but do not feel I don't know that. I have just not been in the mood to answer them. I do appreciate them though. Had several calls and I try to at least talk to my daughters daily. My mom every few days. And my sisters. I will get back to calls and messaging again. I am just happy I was able to sit here and type this today.
I have a blog for you that may not know and I would love for you to follow it if you so want to. I haven't been updating it much lately. Kristi Klein tries to update as she can.
Thanks for all the prayers too!!! Please continue to send them. They are felt!!!!
Address of hotel:
6800 Woodstork Road
Tampa, FL 33637
Suite 131
Kathy Snowberger
Hello there Kathy!, so happy to hear from you. I am smiling as I write this, knowing that you are starting to feel stronger and closer to your happy place. You have been on a rough journey , so take your time and rest and note the little differences you are feeling each day, that they are better than yesterday . You will be home soon.. Living your happy retirement life that Bill and you planned. You are a "Warrior" for sure. My best to both of you. Sleep well, new day tomorrow. Take care. Luv, Carolπππ