Shades of gray.
Today I had my stitches out. Ouch! Such a baby. Dr. Nair, Oncology Surgeon, kept apologizing every time I quietly yelled or flinched. He has a great bed side manner and is very soft spoken. I asked him if the the lump he took out was cancerous even though I knew it was. He confirmed. I then asked him if he saw or felt there was cancer in the area around the lump. Dr. Nair said that he didn't see anything that looked cancerous but Myeloma is a cluster of cells, is deep seated and not spread out.
I have since, this past weekend, found another lump on my head. It's not as large as the one Dr. Nair removed. He examined it and feels this is the same type of lump. Myeloma. We discussed the plan that Dr. Sarriera has designed for my treatment. Radiation and then chemo meds afterwards. He was in agreement with the way Dr. Sarriera wants to go. Asked which doctor I was seeing at Radiation Oncology on Friday. His look of approval when I said Dr. Nanda's name was reassuring to me again. Dr. Nair said "we" will get this taken care of for you!" My team of doctors working together for me. So glad they are all caring and all in the same Cancer Center. Of course I haven't seen Dr. Nanda yet but I am sure I am speaking for him as well.
My bone marrow biopsy is scheduled for next Tuesday, June 13th at 1. Have to be there by 11. Wondering if I am going to have to clean myself with 6 wet ones, brush my teeth etc like two weeks ago when I had my biopsy on my head?
I recently sent a picture of my hair to Louise so she could see the color. She responded with - "Beautiful. Shades of gray. Just like the movie. And you better behave." Thanks for the much needed laugh Louise.
Count your smiles instead of your tears. Count your courage instead of your fears.
It sounds like you have a powerhouse of doctors behind you and they will get this taken care of!! Lots of love and prayers continued your way!!