You have a zoo at your house.
Just want to have an update of my end of cycle one days to help me remember. I finally fell asleep around 12:30 but on the couch with my laptop on my lap. Bill woke me up around 2 and I went to bed. Rash was still there but not as red. I drank so much water that I think I flushed some of it out. I did sleep then until around 7:30.
Still drinking and still have a rash. Again, looks more like a sunburn and it's getting less and less noticeable. Steroids still have me not tired enough to go to bed. It's 11:45. Will make myself go to bed soon.
So we have a nest of baby squirrels in the stucco columns in the front of our house. Bill has been trying to chase them out so he can board up the columns to make sure they don't come back to have more babies. Michelle came over to pick me up to go to Jeremiah's two nights ago and the momma and her babies sat staring at me. Made Bill go out and make them go away.
And of course, we have a frog that likes to sing to us at night.
Tonight Michelle came over to pick me so we could go to Bingo. I went to open the door and there was a turtle walking towards the door. Really!! Again had Bill go out before me and make it go away. Was a big box turtle. When I got in the car with Michelle she said "OMG, you have a zoo at your house!"
Just some ramblings of my life! Need those along with my life of cancer posts.
Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.
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