Thursday, November 17, 2016

Side effects.

I have no energy the last two days.   Nausea has got to go.    They have me pretty well sedated with Adavan to help with the nausea.  Sleep I can do.  Today I am considered a fall risk because my blood pressure dropped under 100.  So have to get help to do snything out of the bed.  Doctors and nurses say I am on the way to where I need to be.   Hope I can soon get there.  Hate this groggy head, hate this tied to my bed.   Blood counts are all falling like they are supposed to.  Then I get Neuprogen shots to bring them back up again starting next week.   Then maybe energy.


Maintain hope and faith!  


  1. Hugs!!! Why Ativan and not an anti nausea medication?

  2. Sending you love and hugs. Praying for better days ahead

  3. Poor girl! Imagine the trauma your body is enduring. Probably pretty hard to travel to your happy place right now. Keep the faith!

  4. Thinking of you! Hugs from me and Zachary!
