Saturday, November 19, 2016

Updates from Kristi

It's time to call in the troops!

It's Kristi reporting for Kathy.

Mom is hanging in there but is not feeling well at all...but, everything was predicted and she's moving along right on schedule.

She has absolutely no energy. None. Nada. Zilch. She can barely keep her eyes open. She also currently has no immune system. Her white blood cell count is .49 but that's where they want it to be. The doctors were predicting a rough weekend and they were right. 

Her nausea has been really bad. Her nurse this weekend is the Nurse of the Year which is awesome. She's been changing some meds to help with the nausea. They also have her on a saline drip to keep her hydrated. 

Starting on Monday, she'll be getting her neupogen shots. This will start to increase her white blood cells! She'll be on the upswing then, they say. 

Overall, she's doing the best she can. Kerri and I are calling and texting her every day and the grandkids are calling when they can. It's REALLY hard for Kerri and I to hear mom sounding so doped up. I mean, she's always been dopey but this is different. ;) Seriously though, it's something you never ever want to see or hear even when you know that it's for the best. 

Dad is also hanging in there. Not surprisingly, he has been an absolutely amazing support for mom throughout this whole ordeal. Every husband should take note. You couldn't find a better caregiver. He's been home twice now to check in with the house, give TomCat some Dad lovin' and to get some "good" sleep in their bed. I know it's hard for him to leave but mom makes him! 

So that's where we are. We all truly appreciate your thoughts, well wishes and prayers. 
xoxo Loves ya!


  1. Prayers for rest and strength and regrowth of the good! Keep fighting Kathy!

  2. Prayers for rest and strength and regrowth of the good! Keep fighting Kathy!

  3. Kristi, thank you for keeping us updated. I am sorry that Mom has to go through this period after all she has already been through, but this is the path as the Doctors say she is suppose to be in at the moment. But the greatest thing will be as of the coming week where she will start her path to her happy and healthy place, so she can go back being the Mom, wife, sister, and friend that she felt at times wasn't her 100%, I have been following her journey from the beginning and I have to say that your Mom is the most inspiring, strong,positive human being that I have met. I would only hope and pray that I would have some of the strength that your Mom possesses if I myself came upon a life altering journey .
    Kathy, The best is yet to be! Next week will be better. Sleep well Thoughts and prayers always, love, Carol andJoeπŸ’•πŸ™πŸ˜Š

  4. Kristi - thanks for being your Mom's lifeline to her friends. We are all concerned. KATHY -- Keeping you in my prayers. I know it is tough right now. Just remember how many people are pulling for you. It is always darkest just before the dawn. Yours will be the dawn of a new beginning and a new lease on life. Keep fighting the good fight friend. Hugs and prayers.

  5. Hang in there sister. You are on track and you've got this. πŸ’—πŸ’ͺ Love you bunches.

  6. Kathy your doing great..keep the spirit and fight going..Praying for you everyday......xoxo love ya!
