Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Updates

Happy Thanksgiving All!

It's Kristi again. First of all, we wanted to thank of you for your prayers, love, gifts, thoughts, texts, phone calls, emails.... We are so grateful to have such a wonderful support system during this time.

Mom is still following exactly as the doctors said she would. Her nausea is still pretty bad but the wonderful doctors and nurses are all taking great care of her. They are checking her bloodwork every day and look closely at everything. Her phosphorus levels are up and that means that her white blood cells are starting to rebuild!

She's also suffering mucositis which causes mouth and esophageal sores and that doesn't help with her appetite at all. She's trying to eat when she can and much to dad's dismay, has found that an iced Chai tea latte from the Starbucks in the lobby goes down nice and smoothe!

She decided to shave her head in preparation for losing her hair. Not everyone can pull off a buzzed head but in my opinion, she looks beautiful and BAD ASS! GI Jane has nothing on her!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving beautiful lady!! Many hugs and much love!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving beautiful lady!! Many hugs and much love!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving beautiful lady!! Many hugs and much love!

  4. Thanks for the update Kristi. And the picture is wonderful! So good to see you smile Kathy.

  5. My mom rocks the shaved head! She's beautiful!

  6. love the new do !!! ..... what did i tell ya bill !? HOTNESS !!!

  7. No one could be prettier than my beautiful girl Kathy with her new you bunches....xoxo.....Mom
