Room in our garage.
Had my appointment with Dr. Sarriera today. Was a very emotional appointment for me and for Bill. I lost it when he came in to see me. Told him I felt very anxious, felt very unsure of what was happening to me, felt very scare, felt very upset that this plan now isn't working, felt like I was getting no where. Dr. Sarreria was very calm and was ready to reassure me that I wasn't to be afraid. That he has another plan in place. To put me back on Cyclophosphamide (the chemo pill that I called Cyclops). This was the chemo pill I took last year amazing as it is starting about the same time. August 26th last year. This was the pill I took from end of August to October last year to help me prepare for the transplant. I did go back and read my comments and saw that I didn't have a reaction from this med.
At that time I was doing what was called CyBordD. Cyclophosphamide, Velcade and Dex. This time it will be Cyclophosphamide, Kyprolis and Dex. No Velcade because that is what caused my neuropathy. I start on this next Tuesday. I will be taking 11 pills of the Cyclophsphamide chemo med, 10 Dex (steroids) and then go have my Kyprolis chemo drip. My drip will be twice a week for three weeks and off one. The Cyclops and Dex once a week for three weeks and off one as well.
Dr. Sarreria then asked me if I wanted something to help take the edge off my anxieties. And this time I said yes. He prescribe Ativan and to only take it on an at need basis. Also, ask if I wanted to talk to someone. They have them readily available if I did. Said no to that at this time.
Did have a bright spot. My 24 hour urine test came back negative. No protein. Which means no M-Spike. Great news.
Once again, emotional as our day was, we both felt somewhat better when he left. And in comes Desiree to make us feel even better. She is such a wonderful, caring nurse. Hug kind of nurse. She went over my Cyclops drug (she remembered me calling it that), talked to help calm us down. I told her about my experience with the after hours nurse and doctor on Sunday. How I felt I was treated and how unprofessional the nurse was. She will be speaking to her manager about this situation. Said if I were a difficult patient, she could see a little of what happened. But I am not and do not deserve to be treated as such. Talked about her babies to be and how she was feeling. At the point now that she just wants to go lay down anywhere, anytime. Still very cheerful though. Only one more month.
Bill and I have lived in our home for almost 2 years now. Will be at the end of August. We have not had our CRV in the garage. Just too much stuff in the garage to put a car in there too. And, oh by the way, it's a two car garage. Finally, finally there is room in our garage for my car. Yes, finally. And the nicest thing is when you get in it to go somewhere it's not so dang hot. Cools down in a second.
Stars can not shine without darkness.