Expressing me!
Well day 2 of my radiation treatment went well. And I didn't even take an Ativan. Was a little shaky about it but decided I should at least try. They were running a bit late but that was okay. What wasn't okay was the lady sitting directly behind Bill talking as loud as she could on her cell and the older guy waiting on his wife hollering in Bill's ear. We eventually were able to move away from them. When the tech came out to get me, of course, I had to go to the bathroom. Once I was done in there, I asked her where else I could go to hide. Ha! They once again allowed Bill to come in the room with me while they got me in to position. Snapping that ole mask down with Bill's hand on my back makes it easier to relax. They, Gabi and Josh, had me in position in no time, all left the room and zap, zap. It was all over within 5-10 minutes. Really quick. Not near as long as the first day. I did it. Yeah. Tomorrow Bill told me I could take Uber since it doesn't take so long. 😉
Tonight I was IMing with my sister-in-law Connie. She wrote this to me:
"I read your blog two days ago. It brought tears to my eyes. Don't know how you stay so strong. Thank God you are able to write about your journey."
This made me stop and think a bit. My blog has been a place where I can express myself no matter what kind of a mood I may be in. No matter if I am feeling down, feeling up, hating the world, feeling sorry for myself, in a crying mood, in a happy mood, wishing I wasn't me, hating myself, hating the way I look, hating the way I feel, not liking anyone, tired, cranky, loving everyone, just what ever I want to write about. This is my blog "expressing me"! Long posts with lots of details, short posts, my posts. Me posts. I love looking at the number of page views my blog gets each day. And the audience I get. I have readers occasionally from Russia, Poland, Bolivia, UK, Ukraine to name a few. But the best readers are you guys. No matter what I post, what I say or how I may say it, you guys are still sticking with me, reading my posts and understanding my moods as they change. Love you all.
Thanks Connie for saying what you did making me realize how important my blog is to me and many others.
You are the hero of your own story.
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