Monday, October 3, 2016

Jury duty!

Hands were really bothersome last night.  Had me up walking the floors during arm and hand exercises.  Not much help.  Got a lot more sleep then have been getting though.  Each day as these meds kick in, I know my body is getting weaker, more fatigued, less energy.  All this to get me ready for a transplant.  

This morning I told Kristi that I was angry because I can't be the grandmother I want to be right now, the mother I want to be right now, the wife I want to be right now, the daughter, sister, friend I want to be right now.   Her response was -"Good!  You should be angry.  It's not fair but you're doing your best and 6 months from now it will all be good."  

I am angry because cancer choose me.  I am angry because cancer still exists.  I am angry because I didn't take better care of myself.  I am angry because I am putting my family in this predicament.  I am angry because cancer interrupted the smoothness of my life.  I am angry because I am irritable, moody, weepy and sometimes cause pain for the people I love the most.  I am angry because of the waiting.   I am angry because I feel guilty for feeling angry.  Anger is part of the ride.  Anger is a part of the cancer experience and you need to feel it sometimes.  And as Kerri said to me a little while ago, use your anger Mom to fight back.  

And one more, I am angry because I was chosen for jury duty on November 14th and can't serve.  😉


Anger is a signal - one worth listening too!  


  1. Anger keeps you fighting! And I know you will fight! You are a wonderful mom! Xoxo

  2. No matter the present situation that you are in, what has not changed is the person you are! You are still the same caring and loving grandmother, mother, wife, daughter, and friend before this unwelcomed visitor came knocking on your door. If there are times you don't feel like that you are giving 100% of yourself to the many hats you wear, that is ok. You need to take that percentage and use it to express any feelings and to use your strength and positivity to throw this cancer out the door. You are almost there, and in another few weeks you will be seeing the finish line and than you can go back and continue to give 100% to all around you. You are the Priority at this moment, Family and friends see you as you have always been... One amazing person! Sleep well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. and a wonderful second mom!! keep fighting Kathy, love ya lots!!
