Sunday, October 16, 2016

No meds feeling.

My sleep pattern last night was a little better.  Feet pain woke me up two times.  Did the walk and back to bed.  Tonight I am trying different stuff on them.  One of my old time favorites.  Vicks!!!  Yep, that's right.  Vicks.   Thanks Kristi for reminding me.

Been doing a collection since 6 this morning for my pretesting.   Lots of fun.  That's all I will say about that.  Will be on the road to Tampa around 6 AM.  Tomorrow I will have EKGs, X-rays, pulmonary test, ECHO cardio gram all after they take 20 tubes of blood.  Anyone know how much that equals in cups, pints???  Just curious.

Another almost 2 hour phone call today.  Louise called.  We email and text but haven't called each other for a while.  Lots of things to catch up on.  Lots of laughs.  Made my day brighter and her encouraging words as a breast cancer survivor, will help me get through this transplant.  Love you Louise.

I am off, as you know, off all meds except Gabapentine. What a wonderful feeling.  If it wouldn't be for this neuropathy, I would be out running around.  My new me is screaming, let me out.  Soon. Soon.


My prespective has changed!!

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