Key West and Baltimore!
Happy to say I slept from about 10 last night till around 7 this morning. Only up twice. I took my first Gabapentine and a Simply Sleep. Must have helped. Doing the same tonight.
Yea, I didn't have to take my steroids and chemo pills. Did I tell you, I didn't have to take my steroids and chemo pills? Had a great breakfast, Bill took a bike ride, I got my coupons ready, then off to Publix and CVS. Love my coupon shopping. CVS - 2 Scott toilet paper (18 rolls in each), 1 Scott paper towels (6 rolls), 3 boxes of Kleenx, 2 bottles of Colgate mouth wash all for $15 and got $10 CVS bucks back. Yes, my feet hurt, burned and tingled but it's was a pill free morning and that shopping put me in a happy place. Made me think of Nancy, me and CVS. Feet are still burning and hurting. Still was worth it I think. We'll see how tonight goes.
Almost a 2 hour phone call with my friend Joanie tonight. Not sure how she handles it as she works and is a caregiver to Harry. We talked about me and what I have coming up! She heard when I told her I was scared. She understood my neuropathy. She understood the excitement in my voice about not taking meds for a bit. We talked about Harry. I heard the excitement in her voice when she told me that Harry had a good week this week. I heard the disappointment in her voice when she told me they had to cancel their appointment at John Hopkins today and now can't get in till November 4th. We listened, laughed and encouraged each other. But I forgot to ask Joanie if she still bakes like she used to. Told her Bill said today that once I am better, he and I are going to take a trip to Key West. Joanie said that she and Harry have said they are going to go to Baltimore once he is feeling better. Not to John Hopkins for appointments but to explore the city. And we sort of planned a get together to see each other too. Her and Bill can share caregiver stories and Harry and I can discuss all our meds we have taken!! Praying for you Harry and Joanie!
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