Hodge Podge Sunday.
Great day today. Walk, got my Sunday papers and off to get mom for a few days.
Invite the kids, invite our neighbors for some turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy! Along with salad, chicken legs, veggie burgers, watermelon. What a hodge podge of foods. Ellie said this is just like Thanksgiving but there isn't any pumpkin pie!
These are the days I love because they put my mind at ease and show me why I am fighting this battle. Family and friends.
The best things in life are meant to be shared!
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
That says pizza. Will explain later.
Last night my 10 treatment steroids turned from making me sleepy to WIDE AWAKE. Wanted to go to bed around 10 but my energy level was out of control. Yippee. So played some Words, Bubble bunch, watch some of season 7 The Good Wife. Went to bed around 12 was up at 2. Again WIDE AWAKE. Come out in the living room, watch some YouTube videos on plumeria, avocado seed to a tree and quilt making. Played Words, on Facebook, bubble again. Caught up on email. Around 7 had some breakfast. Bill made pancakes WITHOUT broccoli. And then gave up the battle and slept for about 1 1/2 hours. Cleaned other 1/2 of house. Then went out and floated ard in the pool. Hope the drugs wear out for some sleep tonight.
So the II is really to be the Pi sign. Couldn't find it. And the Za really stand for pizza. So here it is. Pizza. We went out with Michelle and Gery tonight to a great pizza place called Tom Henry's 314 Pizzaeria. What great food, service, music (great in some eyes), clean place and most of all, great friends. Enjoyed all the laughs. We make a wonderful foresome! Haven't been out much lately except to Cancer Center, Publix, CVS etc and needed this. Let's do it again.
Eating well is important for everyone!
Friday, July 29, 2016
I really enjoy reading all your comments even though I don't always respond. And even if you don't comment, I know you are out there reading and following along because I get a text or IM saying how much you enjoy the blog. That is great for me too. Also, I have texts, messages and calls from several saying they can not leave comments even with their google accounts. Sorry I can't assist. I know when I set mom up, there were some funky steps to go through. May have to turn this over to my techy Kristi to help you all.
Ask for help!
I really enjoy reading all your comments even though I don't always respond. And even if you don't comment, I know you are out there reading and following along because I get a text or IM saying how much you enjoy the blog. That is great for me too. Also, I have texts, messages and calls from several saying they can not leave comments even with their google accounts. Sorry I can't assist. I know when I set mom up, there were some funky steps to go through. May have to turn this over to my techy Kristi to help you all.
Ask for help!
Stay at home day.
Nice day just enjoying our home. Did some much needed cleaning. Been doing the necessaries lately. Only did 1/2 of the house. Had a nice visit with Michelle after dinner. Brightens our day. Love sharing her grandson stories with her. Makes us laugh so hard. He is 3 but doesn't live in FL.
Popped my 10 treatment steroids this morning and they eventually tire me out. So now I'm wrapped up in my beautiful prayer shawl that Sandy sent me (love it), with my Tommy beside me, posting my nightly thoughts. Relief of stress and anxieties for me before I go to bed. Rest better I think.
Sharing emotions with people close, brings me relief!
Nice day just enjoying our home. Did some much needed cleaning. Been doing the necessaries lately. Only did 1/2 of the house. Had a nice visit with Michelle after dinner. Brightens our day. Love sharing her grandson stories with her. Makes us laugh so hard. He is 3 but doesn't live in FL.
Popped my 10 treatment steroids this morning and they eventually tire me out. So now I'm wrapped up in my beautiful prayer shawl that Sandy sent me (love it), with my Tommy beside me, posting my nightly thoughts. Relief of stress and anxieties for me before I go to bed. Rest better I think.
Sharing emotions with people close, brings me relief!
Thursday, July 28, 2016
No counting.
Going to stop my day counts until I start my 2nd cycle of 2 weeks on, 1 week off. That starts
August 5th.
Had a pretty good day. Great breakfast, 1/2 hour walk, a few arobics in the pool and then some errands with Bill. Kristi picked me up and we did some "shopping". Once we were done, came back home and put Kristi and Tommy down for a little over an hour nap. 💤
Relax your mind and body!
Going to stop my day counts until I start my 2nd cycle of 2 weeks on, 1 week off. That starts
August 5th.
Had a pretty good day. Great breakfast, 1/2 hour walk, a few arobics in the pool and then some errands with Bill. Kristi picked me up and we did some "shopping". Once we were done, came back home and put Kristi and Tommy down for a little over an hour nap. 💤
Relax your mind and body!
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Mom, did you read Marc's FB post? Not yet Kristi why? Well, it is truly written about you.
And she was right. This is for and about me written by a very special and loved young man. Truly amazing.
Thanks Marc.
In The Beginning
By Marc Curwood
(a special dedication)
It was He, who knew,
A real beauty inside and out.
A daughter, sister, wife, and a mother of two;
Praise the creator with a mighty shout!
Mysterious ways and hard times,
His hand reached out to you.
The one who announced magnificent signs;
A fraud to some and to some a hero too.
Spoken word with thoughts of my dear friend;
Love is the first word that comes to mind.
Always thinking of others until the end.
Like a precious metal, a rare find.
To go walking after midnight,
Superstitious along the way;
Over the railroad track, fingers crossed tight,
Live in the moment given in each day.
The time is here to be brave.
Rejoicing in His every delight.
With friends and family all around to rave,
Your spirited heart will win this fight.
In the beginning, He gave us a glance.
A peculiar remedy of our place within;
Life is unruly but we can’t forget to dance.
Him, you, us… equals win!
One love †
Lucky #13
Day 13.
Today was a day filled with a lot of good news. This was an appointment I had been waiting for for a week now. Dr. Sarriera was back from vacation. We first talked with Abby, Dr. Sarriera's Senior Nurse Practitioner. She is truly someone you want in your court to fight this battle. Had several questions that she answered with a lot of confidence and knowledge. And not while watching the clock to hurry on to another patient. Dr. Sarriera came in bearing good news and happy reports. First, he examined the lump on my head to find it has really shrank/shrunk. Very impressed with that. Will be a permanent depression there but it shrank so I don't care.
And more good news told us by Abby and Sarriera. The X-ray skeleton survey showed only the lesions in the skull and no where else. No indication of height loss. MRI showed myeloma deposits (no bone lesions, abnormal bone marrow) in neck vertebrae and mid back, no evidence of tumors. Bulging disk but normal, age related. No signs of risks for fractures.
Discussed stem sell transplant. 2 to 3 years ago it was a given of therapy. Need to evaluate me after several treatment weeks of 2 on and 1 off. Decision will be made then. This can be down at three different hospitals. Need to get an evaluation appointment set with the hospital we choose to get things in order and ready to go if this something I have to do. Takes a few weeks to get ready for the transplant.
And now I have a week off from the chemo injections and meds except the 10 treatment plan steroids and vitamins. Will start taking Revlimid again (this is the chemo pill I got the reaction from) but in a smaller dosage and my Velcade (chemo injection) next Friday. That will start round 2 of my treatment plan.
Multiple myeloma had at one time a 2 year survival rate but now in the double digits because of all the new drugs and research.
Good news, lots of prayers, positive thoughts from all you sure makes me smile. Thanks.
Don't look back. You're not going that way.
Day 13.
Today was a day filled with a lot of good news. This was an appointment I had been waiting for for a week now. Dr. Sarriera was back from vacation. We first talked with Abby, Dr. Sarriera's Senior Nurse Practitioner. She is truly someone you want in your court to fight this battle. Had several questions that she answered with a lot of confidence and knowledge. And not while watching the clock to hurry on to another patient. Dr. Sarriera came in bearing good news and happy reports. First, he examined the lump on my head to find it has really shrank/shrunk. Very impressed with that. Will be a permanent depression there but it shrank so I don't care.
And more good news told us by Abby and Sarriera. The X-ray skeleton survey showed only the lesions in the skull and no where else. No indication of height loss. MRI showed myeloma deposits (no bone lesions, abnormal bone marrow) in neck vertebrae and mid back, no evidence of tumors. Bulging disk but normal, age related. No signs of risks for fractures.
Discussed stem sell transplant. 2 to 3 years ago it was a given of therapy. Need to evaluate me after several treatment weeks of 2 on and 1 off. Decision will be made then. This can be down at three different hospitals. Need to get an evaluation appointment set with the hospital we choose to get things in order and ready to go if this something I have to do. Takes a few weeks to get ready for the transplant.
And now I have a week off from the chemo injections and meds except the 10 treatment plan steroids and vitamins. Will start taking Revlimid again (this is the chemo pill I got the reaction from) but in a smaller dosage and my Velcade (chemo injection) next Friday. That will start round 2 of my treatment plan.
Multiple myeloma had at one time a 2 year survival rate but now in the double digits because of all the new drugs and research.
Good news, lots of prayers, positive thoughts from all you sure makes me smile. Thanks.
Don't look back. You're not going that way.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
2 Weeks on, 1 Week off
Day 12
Electric panel replaced. We are home much to the delight of our kitties. Air working great. Bill was very pleased with the electrical company and the electrician that redid our panel. Took all morning but it's done.
I really am looking forward to seeing Dr. Sarriera tomorrow. These next two days were to be the end of my first chemo treatment cycle. But since I became allergic to my chemo pill, not sure how that will change my cycle. 2 weeks on, 1 week off. Will know tomorrow for sure. And then, I will move on to counting again??
Injection from yesterday made me tired today but Kristi and I did some running around. Best of all, got my fix at Sushi Lolo's.
I can and I will!
Day 12
Electric panel replaced. We are home much to the delight of our kitties. Air working great. Bill was very pleased with the electrical company and the electrician that redid our panel. Took all morning but it's done.
I really am looking forward to seeing Dr. Sarriera tomorrow. These next two days were to be the end of my first chemo treatment cycle. But since I became allergic to my chemo pill, not sure how that will change my cycle. 2 weeks on, 1 week off. Will know tomorrow for sure. And then, I will move on to counting again??
Injection from yesterday made me tired today but Kristi and I did some running around. Best of all, got my fix at Sushi Lolo's.
I can and I will!
Monday, July 25, 2016
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and done.
Day 11
Finally done with my prednisone. Rash gone. Now to see what the doctor will do with my treatment plan now. May put me back a week but I am ready to move on with whatever the change will be.
Still checked in to the "inn". We found out that it's not our air conditioner that has the problem but our breaker box is all messed up. Will need a complete change out. Will start this tomorrow. My poor kitties. We were able to leave fans on for them.
Tomorrow I will spend with Kristi and Sasha. Maybe Sushi Lola!s? Or Hoto Poto? Ellie will be at horseback riding camp.
Small steps every day!
Day 11
Finally done with my prednisone. Rash gone. Now to see what the doctor will do with my treatment plan now. May put me back a week but I am ready to move on with whatever the change will be.
Still checked in to the "inn". We found out that it's not our air conditioner that has the problem but our breaker box is all messed up. Will need a complete change out. Will start this tomorrow. My poor kitties. We were able to leave fans on for them.
Tomorrow I will spend with Kristi and Sasha. Maybe Sushi Lola!s? Or Hoto Poto? Ellie will be at horseback riding camp.
Small steps every day!
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Check-in time 4:30 PM. Check out 7:30 AM.
Day 10
Fairly good day, well most of it (get to that later). Just my vitamins and prednisone today. Good broccoli egg omelette prepared by Mr. Broccoli. Walk around the block. Organized my binder given to me at the UF Health Cancer Center. Nice nap. Walk over to Michelle and Gery's for a bit. AND THEN, back home to a very warm house. No air. We just had it serviced. Did they jinx it?? 😉
So we checked into this nice bed and breakfast home in Winter Park for the night. Dinner was even served. Not sure about the breakfast part though. Will need to go back in the morning to check on my kitties and get ready for my chemo injection visit. Hopefully we get a call in the AM for them to come fix it. To be continued.
My quote tonight was inspired by watching my granddaughter writing in her journal.
Broken crayons still color!
Day 10
Fairly good day, well most of it (get to that later). Just my vitamins and prednisone today. Good broccoli egg omelette prepared by Mr. Broccoli. Walk around the block. Organized my binder given to me at the UF Health Cancer Center. Nice nap. Walk over to Michelle and Gery's for a bit. AND THEN, back home to a very warm house. No air. We just had it serviced. Did they jinx it?? 😉
So we checked into this nice bed and breakfast home in Winter Park for the night. Dinner was even served. Not sure about the breakfast part though. Will need to go back in the morning to check on my kitties and get ready for my chemo injection visit. Hopefully we get a call in the AM for them to come fix it. To be continued.
My quote tonight was inspired by watching my granddaughter writing in her journal.
Broken crayons still color!
Saturday, July 23, 2016
New do.
Needed wash and wear hair with running to the cancer center and doctor appointments so had it chopped. May go a little shorter yet. My hair is very wavy so have wings along the sides. Cynthia, my new stylist, did a great job. Hey, she does Ellie's hair so you know she is good. Trying to go to my natural color. No more dyes on this head. Hope my color is as pretty as moms and sister Debs.
Here are a few pictures.
Be your own kind of beautiful!
Needed wash and wear hair with running to the cancer center and doctor appointments so had it chopped. May go a little shorter yet. My hair is very wavy so have wings along the sides. Cynthia, my new stylist, did a great job. Hey, she does Ellie's hair so you know she is good. Trying to go to my natural color. No more dyes on this head. Hope my color is as pretty as moms and sister Debs.
Here are a few pictures.
Be your own kind of beautiful!
Day 9
Today only had to take vitamins and my prednisone. Two more days of those left. Yesterday's chemo injection seemed to wipe me out today. Walked a bit this morning around the neighborhood. Then floated in the pool for about an hour. Michelle and I went to Costco for a bit. Nice store. Then just layed around the rest of the afternoon and evening. Hoping to have more energy tomorrow.
Never give up, never give in!
Day 9
Today only had to take vitamins and my prednisone. Two more days of those left. Yesterday's chemo injection seemed to wipe me out today. Walked a bit this morning around the neighborhood. Then floated in the pool for about an hour. Michelle and I went to Costco for a bit. Nice store. Then just layed around the rest of the afternoon and evening. Hoping to have more energy tomorrow.
Never give up, never give in!
Friday, July 22, 2016
Bill has been great watching out for what I am eating. He buys broccoli in bunches ever so often. Said he was going to buy some powered broccoli and make me a milkshake. Steams it, put on pizza, in an omelet, in salad, raw, noodle soup and said thinks it would be good on ice cream. I drew the line there. He's watching my sugars and breads. Two of my favorites. Makes sure I have fruits available all the time. Even sent me one of the lists of foods he is using. This and only being officially diagnosed 2 weeks ago. He is very attentive to my moods too. Sure that's hard. Listens to me whine, complain, there when I am happy and there when I am sad. No more needed to be said.
Kristi and Matt have been our ears at our doctor appointments when we were sitting there in disbelief. Drivers till we learned the best way to go the 15 miles in 30 minutes or less. Typists of notes of what Dr. Sarriera said, Abby said, Desiree said, Dr. Nair said. Texts checking on my chemo visits, phone calls just saying dumb things moms and daughters talk about. Little surprises here and there. No more needed to be said here either.
Kerri with her daily check ins. Her witty text to make me laugh. My favorite so far is Paul in the "cold tub". Love it. Her surprise in the mail of an oil she wants me to use. Phone calls, just like above, just saying dumb things between mother and daughter. No more needed said here either.
Neighbors, Michelle and Gery, having us over for dinner and cooking from Bill's list just for me. Picking up, while shopping, some extras for me to bring home from that list. Asking, texting with me in mind.
Support group:
My beautiful grandkids for whom these quilts have been promised in my quilting head.
Emails, phone calls, text from Sandy, Louise and Cheri. Part of my O 5 group.
My sisters, my mom, my brother, Bill's brothers and sisters, my sister-in-law, checking on me. Nieces, nephews, cousins. Phone calls, texting.
And all of the rest of my family and friends sending cards, prayers, hope, more prayers, emails,
texting and more prayers.
And all this during only a 2 week or less time frame of you all finding out about my diagnosis. You are all truly amazing and Bill and I appreciate your support as we continue this battle to a happy ending. May take a bit to get there but we will get there and know that all your prayers and positive thoughts will show us the way.
Thanks to all. So appreciated.
May every sunshine hold more promises and every sunset hold more peace!
Bill has been great watching out for what I am eating. He buys broccoli in bunches ever so often. Said he was going to buy some powered broccoli and make me a milkshake. Steams it, put on pizza, in an omelet, in salad, raw, noodle soup and said thinks it would be good on ice cream. I drew the line there. He's watching my sugars and breads. Two of my favorites. Makes sure I have fruits available all the time. Even sent me one of the lists of foods he is using. This and only being officially diagnosed 2 weeks ago. He is very attentive to my moods too. Sure that's hard. Listens to me whine, complain, there when I am happy and there when I am sad. No more needed to be said.
Kristi and Matt have been our ears at our doctor appointments when we were sitting there in disbelief. Drivers till we learned the best way to go the 15 miles in 30 minutes or less. Typists of notes of what Dr. Sarriera said, Abby said, Desiree said, Dr. Nair said. Texts checking on my chemo visits, phone calls just saying dumb things moms and daughters talk about. Little surprises here and there. No more needed to be said here either.
Kerri with her daily check ins. Her witty text to make me laugh. My favorite so far is Paul in the "cold tub". Love it. Her surprise in the mail of an oil she wants me to use. Phone calls, just like above, just saying dumb things between mother and daughter. No more needed said here either.
Neighbors, Michelle and Gery, having us over for dinner and cooking from Bill's list just for me. Picking up, while shopping, some extras for me to bring home from that list. Asking, texting with me in mind.
Support group:
My beautiful grandkids for whom these quilts have been promised in my quilting head.
Emails, phone calls, text from Sandy, Louise and Cheri. Part of my O 5 group.
My sisters, my mom, my brother, Bill's brothers and sisters, my sister-in-law, checking on me. Nieces, nephews, cousins. Phone calls, texting.
And all of the rest of my family and friends sending cards, prayers, hope, more prayers, emails,
texting and more prayers.
And all this during only a 2 week or less time frame of you all finding out about my diagnosis. You are all truly amazing and Bill and I appreciate your support as we continue this battle to a happy ending. May take a bit to get there but we will get there and know that all your prayers and positive thoughts will show us the way.
Thanks to all. So appreciated.
May every sunshine hold more promises and every sunset hold more peace!
And your chemo nurse today is::::
Day 8
Yep, it was bruiser nurse. I was sure to show her the bruise she left on Monday. She fluffed it off. Something about capillaries. Not. She just aimed and shot that needle in. Today though, she got me Powerade to drink, graham crackers, offered me a warm blanket as I sat in a vibrating, heated chair. Labs were done and we had to way about 45 minutes to 1 hour on the results. Then the pharmacy mixes up my chemo meds for the injection.
Results back from lab. All looked great. Bellirubin was in line finally (kidney function good), platelets good, blood cells good. Wonderful, wonderful. Injected done by bruiser. This time she counted to 3, told me to let her know if the stinging was too much and she would back off and asked me how I was doing.
Abby, my oncology nurse, came up to chemo floor to look at my rash. Looks real good. Almost all gone. Still have three prednisone days left. She is such a sweetheart. Looking forward to my Wednesday appointment with Dr. Sarriera to review results and treatment plans. AND the lump on my head seems to be shrinking.
My 14 steroid pills made my batting average of 500 today. Measured by Bill and Joe Giradi.
Sending thanks to everyone for your support and prayers being sent my way. I know in my heart this is helping.
Emphasis the positives!
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Looking less rosy.
Day 7
Rash -zero, prednisone - two.
Good nights sleep minus 2 hours. Rash is still there but not near as red and definitely not as swollen. Ears look normal again. Have 5 days left of the prednisone to take. And on top of that steroid, I get to take 10 of my treatment steroids tomorrow morning. Bill said that batting practice should start getting interesting and the Yankees may be calling me with all these steroids
Tomorrow I get lab work done and my chemo injection. Not so sure I want the same nurse I had do the injection on Monday. Her injection left a heck of a bruise in my fluff. First injection, no bruising.
Don't give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
Day 7
Rash -zero, prednisone - two.
Good nights sleep minus 2 hours. Rash is still there but not near as red and definitely not as swollen. Ears look normal again. Have 5 days left of the prednisone to take. And on top of that steroid, I get to take 10 of my treatment steroids tomorrow morning. Bill said that batting practice should start getting interesting and the Yankees may be calling me with all these steroids
Tomorrow I get lab work done and my chemo injection. Not so sure I want the same nurse I had do the injection on Monday. Her injection left a heck of a bruise in my fluff. First injection, no bruising.
Don't give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Cry baby pills
Day 6
Oh my honey. That's one of the reactions I got from one of Dr. Sarriera's nurses today when she saw my red, swollen face and everywhere else I have blotches of rashes. Arms, neck, back, hands, ears, fingers, on my fluff and it was finally going south to my legs. Abby, his nurse practitioner, immediately said it was an allergic reaction to Revlimid (my chemo pill). Stop taking immediately. Continue on with the Velcade (chemo shot on Monday and Friday's) as well as the 10 steroid pills on Fridays. We go back to meet with Dr. Sarriera next Wednesday to evaluate the treatment plan and may be changing some meds. Meanwhile, she added more steroids. Prednisone. Taken this in the past and remember eating everything in site and crying about everything. I know one thing, I won't be crying about this rash going away.
Cancer may have started the fight, but I will finish it.
Day 6
Oh my honey. That's one of the reactions I got from one of Dr. Sarriera's nurses today when she saw my red, swollen face and everywhere else I have blotches of rashes. Arms, neck, back, hands, ears, fingers, on my fluff and it was finally going south to my legs. Abby, his nurse practitioner, immediately said it was an allergic reaction to Revlimid (my chemo pill). Stop taking immediately. Continue on with the Velcade (chemo shot on Monday and Friday's) as well as the 10 steroid pills on Fridays. We go back to meet with Dr. Sarriera next Wednesday to evaluate the treatment plan and may be changing some meds. Meanwhile, she added more steroids. Prednisone. Taken this in the past and remember eating everything in site and crying about everything. I know one thing, I won't be crying about this rash going away.
Cancer may have started the fight, but I will finish it.
With this ring
Most of you know that I am superstitious. Well, should I say, that I am very superstitious. Even my grandkids have picked up some of my ways. Just ask their parents. One superstition that has stuck in my mind since my great grandmother's time was the one that once you are married, you are never, ever to take your wedding rings off. I have stuck to that for almost 49 years. Even told a nurse once when I was getting ready for surgery, either tape my rings on or I was walking out. Tape won. Recently I have lost the battle with this superstition. Had to take them off when they needed to X-ray my fingers and had to take them off in the first night or two of chemo meds as my hands were swollen. And just this morning because of the swelling in my fingers from an allergic reaction. So I just crossed my fingers, put them on the car window when I crossed the railroad tracks and that will make this alright.
We can't direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.
Most of you know that I am superstitious. Well, should I say, that I am very superstitious. Even my grandkids have picked up some of my ways. Just ask their parents. One superstition that has stuck in my mind since my great grandmother's time was the one that once you are married, you are never, ever to take your wedding rings off. I have stuck to that for almost 49 years. Even told a nurse once when I was getting ready for surgery, either tape my rings on or I was walking out. Tape won. Recently I have lost the battle with this superstition. Had to take them off when they needed to X-ray my fingers and had to take them off in the first night or two of chemo meds as my hands were swollen. And just this morning because of the swelling in my fingers from an allergic reaction. So I just crossed my fingers, put them on the car window when I crossed the railroad tracks and that will make this alright.
We can't direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Boy, is my face red.
Day 5
There are going to be times that I am not going to hold back on the way I feel or what I think. Guess that's part of blogging. Reality. And it helps me remember as I go through to recovery. The good with the bad.
Took my normal regiment of chemo pill and vitamins. And then today wasn't a great day. So far I have had minor problems but this day was my first "I don't feel well. And I look like I just spent 3 hours at the beach in the sun". To start it off, I didn't get much sleep last night. Damn frogs. Tonight I will sit on the patio with a pistol and wait on them. Well, maybe not. The itchy scalp had sort of subsided. Scalp hurt to touch though. Then I notice I was getting beat red and puffy from temple to temple across my forehead. My glasses felt tight even. My ears, especially the left one, look like I was in a fight. As the day went on, I noticed rashes everywhere but my upper and lower legs. Finally called the nurses and go in for a check up tomorrow. I would say "allergic reaction" maybe. Also, very fatigued feeling today. Don't tell Kristi and Matt but I fell asleep while watching the kids. Pays the same I think. 😴
On a good note, I connected with two very special people from my past. My support group is awesome. Each one of you have a special place in my heart. Love you all.
Some days there won't be a song in your heart but sing anyway.
Day 5
There are going to be times that I am not going to hold back on the way I feel or what I think. Guess that's part of blogging. Reality. And it helps me remember as I go through to recovery. The good with the bad.
Took my normal regiment of chemo pill and vitamins. And then today wasn't a great day. So far I have had minor problems but this day was my first "I don't feel well. And I look like I just spent 3 hours at the beach in the sun". To start it off, I didn't get much sleep last night. Damn frogs. Tonight I will sit on the patio with a pistol and wait on them. Well, maybe not. The itchy scalp had sort of subsided. Scalp hurt to touch though. Then I notice I was getting beat red and puffy from temple to temple across my forehead. My glasses felt tight even. My ears, especially the left one, look like I was in a fight. As the day went on, I noticed rashes everywhere but my upper and lower legs. Finally called the nurses and go in for a check up tomorrow. I would say "allergic reaction" maybe. Also, very fatigued feeling today. Don't tell Kristi and Matt but I fell asleep while watching the kids. Pays the same I think. 😴
On a good note, I connected with two very special people from my past. My support group is awesome. Each one of you have a special place in my heart. Love you all.
Some days there won't be a song in your heart but sing anyway.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Day 4
This morning I took my chemo pill, vitamins and aspirin. Then we got ready to head to UF Health Cancer Center for my second chemo shot. One side effect noticed this morning was a very itchy scalp. I have a direct email line to Dr. Sarriera's office and his staff which I am to use for communicating concerns. So sent an email off to them. Once at the center, I also mentioned my concerns to my chemo nurse. Now you need to see me. I had to apply hydrocortisone to my scalp. Well, that was fun. Looks like I haven't washed my hair in months. But it has helped some so let it be greasy. Need to report in the AM how it feels. Got my second shot in my fluff and headed home. Another day done.
Don't underestimate the importance of seeking help!
This morning I took my chemo pill, vitamins and aspirin. Then we got ready to head to UF Health Cancer Center for my second chemo shot. One side effect noticed this morning was a very itchy scalp. I have a direct email line to Dr. Sarriera's office and his staff which I am to use for communicating concerns. So sent an email off to them. Once at the center, I also mentioned my concerns to my chemo nurse. Now you need to see me. I had to apply hydrocortisone to my scalp. Well, that was fun. Looks like I haven't washed my hair in months. But it has helped some so let it be greasy. Need to report in the AM how it feels. Got my second shot in my fluff and headed home. Another day done.
Don't underestimate the importance of seeking help!
Sunday, July 17, 2016
3 Days
Today is day 3 of my treatment. This morning took my chemo pill, vitamin D3, calcium and low dose aspirin. Today I have had some low back pain and between the shoulders pain. We were told to maybe expect some bone pain. So what did do? I went to lunch and antique shopping with Kristi and Michelle (my neighbor). Great time. Better than sitting around. Great exercise even with the heat.
Tomorrow back to UF Health Cancer Center for my second chemo shot in my fluff.
I like people who smile when it's raining.
Today is day 3 of my treatment. This morning took my chemo pill, vitamin D3, calcium and low dose aspirin. Today I have had some low back pain and between the shoulders pain. We were told to maybe expect some bone pain. So what did do? I went to lunch and antique shopping with Kristi and Michelle (my neighbor). Great time. Better than sitting around. Great exercise even with the heat.
Tomorrow back to UF Health Cancer Center for my second chemo shot in my fluff.
I like people who smile when it's raining.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Had to share.
I have sent my blog site to a lot of family and friends over the last few days. I really want to share some of the wonderful comments I received back after it was read.
I loved it. What a great idea.
Like your drink choice.
Wondered if there was dancing on the patio.
I like the way you are sharing your feelings.
I have been strong but right now I can't quit weeping.
Thanks for including me.
Just read your blog. Wow. You're a strong lady.
On my mind, in my heart and in my prayers.
You are one strong woman. You have filled shoes no one else could when I lost my mom.
Have I told you lately, we love you.
You are a positive happy person.
Positive, healing vibes being sent your way.
You will beat it.
Looking forward to a happy ending.
Thanks for sharing.
You guys are in our prayers.
btw nice blog.
Love you.
Love your blog. Got emotional reading it but love your positive attitude. Sending love, light and healing your way.
So many wonderful comments. Love you all.
Pat yourself on the back for your strengths and your accomplishments.
I have sent my blog site to a lot of family and friends over the last few days. I really want to share some of the wonderful comments I received back after it was read.
I loved it. What a great idea.
Like your drink choice.
Wondered if there was dancing on the patio.
I like the way you are sharing your feelings.
I have been strong but right now I can't quit weeping.
Thanks for including me.
Just read your blog. Wow. You're a strong lady.
On my mind, in my heart and in my prayers.
You are one strong woman. You have filled shoes no one else could when I lost my mom.
Have I told you lately, we love you.
You are a positive happy person.
Positive, healing vibes being sent your way.
You will beat it.
Looking forward to a happy ending.
Thanks for sharing.
You guys are in our prayers.
btw nice blog.
Love you.
Love your blog. Got emotional reading it but love your positive attitude. Sending love, light and healing your way.
So many wonderful comments. Love you all.
Pat yourself on the back for your strengths and your accomplishments.
Sleeping with the enemy.
Slept well from midnight till 3. Up a bit with a little nausea and mild headache. Fought it off and was able to sleep till 6:30. I think the good guys won some last night. Now off to day two of chemo pill and vitamins. And tons of water. Breakfast then a walk.
Stay active and eat right.
Slept well from midnight till 3. Up a bit with a little nausea and mild headache. Fought it off and was able to sleep till 6:30. I think the good guys won some last night. Now off to day two of chemo pill and vitamins. And tons of water. Breakfast then a walk.
Stay active and eat right.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Ice, Ice baby.
Great way to end my first day of treatment. Michelle just got home today from a business trip. Missed her not being around. Had a lot to catch up on. After dinner, Bill and I walked for about 30 minutes and ended our walk at Michelle and Gery's house for HH. Since no alcohol for me, I drank a Sparkling Ice. This one was Peach Nectarine. So pretended it was Peach Schnapps while they had their cocktails. Worked for me.
Drink enough to stay hydrated.
Great way to end my first day of treatment. Michelle just got home today from a business trip. Missed her not being around. Had a lot to catch up on. After dinner, Bill and I walked for about 30 minutes and ended our walk at Michelle and Gery's house for HH. Since no alcohol for me, I drank a Sparkling Ice. This one was Peach Nectarine. So pretended it was Peach Schnapps while they had their cocktails. Worked for me.
Drink enough to stay hydrated.
5th Floor please.
Today I met another group of lab technicians, admin ladies, nurses, pharmacists and cafeteria aids. My chemo family. What caring, kind people they were. I felt as if I was the only patient they had today. Of course as I looked around the room, I saw I wasn't. 1st floor please. First stop was at the pharmacy to pick up my Revlimid and Dexadrone. Met Alon (yep that is how you spell it) that I have been talking to off and on the last few days. Explained to us these two drugs. 5th floor please. They drew blood and put a port in for the IV drip. Did get emotional when they handed me a tote that was donated by a lady to new chemo patients. Was a Thirty One bag so made me think of my niece Michelle. Calmed down. 4th Floor please. Lunch with Bill. 5th Floor please. Admin called my name, told me to gather up my belongings and my beloved and follow her to room 3. Met Kara and Tammy, my nurses for today. Drugs and procedures explained. Took my 10 steroid pills (Dexadrone) and my Revlimid (chemo pill), drip started (Zometa - Vitamin D to strengthen my bones). This drip lasted about 15 minutes. Then the Velcade injection in my fluff. Don't ask. Lol!
1st floor please. Get the car. Headed to visit with Kristi, Matt and girls (kids and dogs). Home
please. Just relaxing till it cools some then a walk around the block.
Long winded but this blog will help me remember.
Be honest about how you feel, including pain!
Today I met another group of lab technicians, admin ladies, nurses, pharmacists and cafeteria aids. My chemo family. What caring, kind people they were. I felt as if I was the only patient they had today. Of course as I looked around the room, I saw I wasn't. 1st floor please. First stop was at the pharmacy to pick up my Revlimid and Dexadrone. Met Alon (yep that is how you spell it) that I have been talking to off and on the last few days. Explained to us these two drugs. 5th floor please. They drew blood and put a port in for the IV drip. Did get emotional when they handed me a tote that was donated by a lady to new chemo patients. Was a Thirty One bag so made me think of my niece Michelle. Calmed down. 4th Floor please. Lunch with Bill. 5th Floor please. Admin called my name, told me to gather up my belongings and my beloved and follow her to room 3. Met Kara and Tammy, my nurses for today. Drugs and procedures explained. Took my 10 steroid pills (Dexadrone) and my Revlimid (chemo pill), drip started (Zometa - Vitamin D to strengthen my bones). This drip lasted about 15 minutes. Then the Velcade injection in my fluff. Don't ask. Lol!
1st floor please. Get the car. Headed to visit with Kristi, Matt and girls (kids and dogs). Home
please. Just relaxing till it cools some then a walk around the block.
Long winded but this blog will help me remember.
Be honest about how you feel, including pain!
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Today I had some visitors from PA.
My sistas. And my mom. She's not from PA but FL. They came bearing a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Daisies and carnations. Today this visit was needed. I felt great this morning, then I started to wash my hair and there was a big reminder. Crying in the shower is good for the soul. Shook it off and went on to enjoy the day with mom, Cheri and Deb. They are all in bed and I am preparing my self for tomorrow's first round of chemo etc. Really weighing in my mind not knowing what to expect. Thinking of all the prayers and positive thoughts of all my family and friends will make it easier. And the support of my husband is more than any wife could ask for. Ask him how much broccoli he bought today?
I may have cancer but it doesn't have me!
My sistas. And my mom. She's not from PA but FL. They came bearing a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Daisies and carnations. Today this visit was needed. I felt great this morning, then I started to wash my hair and there was a big reminder. Crying in the shower is good for the soul. Shook it off and went on to enjoy the day with mom, Cheri and Deb. They are all in bed and I am preparing my self for tomorrow's first round of chemo etc. Really weighing in my mind not knowing what to expect. Thinking of all the prayers and positive thoughts of all my family and friends will make it easier. And the support of my husband is more than any wife could ask for. Ask him how much broccoli he bought today?
I may have cancer but it doesn't have me!
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
X-RAYS AND MRIs - July 12
All I can say is I got through the MRIs. I am very claustrophobic and wasn't sure I was going to make it through 2 hours in the tube. Lots of prayers, a very caring tech, Bill and a PILL made it possible. Actually, if you can believe it, I slept through some of it.
Not good results but what was expected from my doctor. The treatment plan I will be on included exactly what was found on the MRI. A few more lesions around the spine.
My quote for today:
Think of something positive and your emotions will lead you in that direction.
All I can say is I got through the MRIs. I am very claustrophobic and wasn't sure I was going to make it through 2 hours in the tube. Lots of prayers, a very caring tech, Bill and a PILL made it possible. Actually, if you can believe it, I slept through some of it.
Not good results but what was expected from my doctor. The treatment plan I will be on included exactly what was found on the MRI. A few more lesions around the spine.
My quote for today:
Think of something positive and your emotions will lead you in that direction.
Now you have all my details (being the detail person that I am), I will explain my title for this blog.
I love to sew. I love to make quilts. I am not an expert in any way, shape or form but one of the things I told everyone before I retired was that I wanted to make quilts. I have accomplished a few so far. And I plan to make sure that I have lots of years left to accomplish my goal of quilting. And to be sure a lot of special people on my list get a quilt.
SO I will be positive, say my prayers and I will beat this because I have QUILTS TO MAKE!!!!!
Please follow my adventures as I will post when I can even if it's just to complain, be angry, be happy, be positive, be down or just be myself.
I know I have lots of family and friends praying for me and sending me positive energy. Thanks. It is felt and needed.
Breathe - Relax
Now you have all my details (being the detail person that I am), I will explain my title for this blog.
I love to sew. I love to make quilts. I am not an expert in any way, shape or form but one of the things I told everyone before I retired was that I wanted to make quilts. I have accomplished a few so far. And I plan to make sure that I have lots of years left to accomplish my goal of quilting. And to be sure a lot of special people on my list get a quilt.
SO I will be positive, say my prayers and I will beat this because I have QUILTS TO MAKE!!!!!
Please follow my adventures as I will post when I can even if it's just to complain, be angry, be happy, be positive, be down or just be myself.
I know I have lots of family and friends praying for me and sending me positive energy. Thanks. It is felt and needed.
Breathe - Relax
Treatment begins Friday, July 15, 2016
I begin my treatment on Friday. First pick up scripts, then labs and on to my injection of Velcade. Home and take Revlimd and Decadrone. The Decadrone will be fun as I have to take 10 tablets at once. Oh boy. I continue this cycle for 3 to 4 times.
But I am starting a treatment plan!!!
I am Strong!!!
xoxo Loves ya.
Be patient with yourself.
I begin my treatment on Friday. First pick up scripts, then labs and on to my injection of Velcade. Home and take Revlimd and Decadrone. The Decadrone will be fun as I have to take 10 tablets at once. Oh boy. I continue this cycle for 3 to 4 times.
But I am starting a treatment plan!!!
I am Strong!!!
xoxo Loves ya.
Be patient with yourself.
Consultation Day - July 8, 2016
Biopsy came back abnormal also. Pretty much the final detail needed to confirm that I definitely have Multiple Myeloma. A treatable cancer but not a curable one. The doctor compared it to a chronic disease like diabetes.
The treatment is highly effective at a 90% response rate - Dr. Sarriera. My appointment was at 3:15 and we left the office at 6:15. Such a caring group of doctors and nurses. Matt was our ears for this appt. Much needed again.
Discussed by Dr. Sarriera and his nurse Desiree:
I will be on chemo meds for two weeks and off them for one week. This repeats itself for 3 to 4 times. After that time, I will have to have a bone marrow transplant and I get a vacation in the hospital from 15 to 30 days.
My meds consist of:
Zometa - Vitamin D treatment - 15 minute IV drip once every 12 weeks during treatment
Revlimid - A pill taken once a day for 14 days
Velcade - An injection 2 times a week
Decadron - 10 tablets all at once 1 time a week
Low dose aspirin (used to be called baby aspirins) daily forever
Calcium supplement- Daily forever
Vitamin D3-Daily forever
Spend time with people who make you feel good.
Biopsy came back abnormal also. Pretty much the final detail needed to confirm that I definitely have Multiple Myeloma. A treatable cancer but not a curable one. The doctor compared it to a chronic disease like diabetes.
The treatment is highly effective at a 90% response rate - Dr. Sarriera. My appointment was at 3:15 and we left the office at 6:15. Such a caring group of doctors and nurses. Matt was our ears for this appt. Much needed again.
Discussed by Dr. Sarriera and his nurse Desiree:
I will be on chemo meds for two weeks and off them for one week. This repeats itself for 3 to 4 times. After that time, I will have to have a bone marrow transplant and I get a vacation in the hospital from 15 to 30 days.
My meds consist of:
Zometa - Vitamin D treatment - 15 minute IV drip once every 12 weeks during treatment
Revlimid - A pill taken once a day for 14 days
Velcade - An injection 2 times a week
Decadron - 10 tablets all at once 1 time a week
Low dose aspirin (used to be called baby aspirins) daily forever
Calcium supplement- Daily forever
Vitamin D3-Daily forever
Spend time with people who make you feel good.
Dr. Nair - Oncology Surgeon
An appt was made for me to see Dr. Nair regarding a biopsy on the lump on my head. He explained things were pointing to Multiple Myeloma. Didn't want to do a biopsy on the lump unless bone marrow biopsy was inclusive.
At this time, appt was made for x-rays (Skeletal survey) and MRIs (entire spine) on July 12th. These will be performed at Dr. Philips Hospital.
Matt was our ears for appt. So glad I have such caring family.
Know you're not alone.
An appt was made for me to see Dr. Nair regarding a biopsy on the lump on my head. He explained things were pointing to Multiple Myeloma. Didn't want to do a biopsy on the lump unless bone marrow biopsy was inclusive.
At this time, appt was made for x-rays (Skeletal survey) and MRIs (entire spine) on July 12th. These will be performed at Dr. Philips Hospital.
Matt was our ears for appt. So glad I have such caring family.
Know you're not alone.
On to UF Health Cancer Center
I was able to get an appt the very next day June 29th at UF Health Cancer Center. Kristi went along to be our ears and take notes as Bill and I were still in shock.
Talked first with Abby - Senior Nurse Practitioner. Reviewed the x-ray findings. Explained what would happen next as far as tests etc.
Dr. Sarriera then came in room and again explained what he saw and what the next steps would be.
Labs were done and all came back normal.
Two blood tests would take longer and if they were abnormal could point to Multiple Myeloma:
Free light chain ration
Monoclonal protien
Both came back abnormal.
I was scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy for June 6th.
Cherish your life.
I was able to get an appt the very next day June 29th at UF Health Cancer Center. Kristi went along to be our ears and take notes as Bill and I were still in shock.
Talked first with Abby - Senior Nurse Practitioner. Reviewed the x-ray findings. Explained what would happen next as far as tests etc.
Dr. Sarriera then came in room and again explained what he saw and what the next steps would be.
Labs were done and all came back normal.
Two blood tests would take longer and if they were abnormal could point to Multiple Myeloma:
Free light chain ration
Monoclonal protien
Both came back abnormal.
I was scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy for June 6th.
Cherish your life.
On July 8, 2016 I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Surprise!!!
How it began:
Noticed a small soft lump on top of my head sometime in March. Didn't think too much about it. Started to grow a little so went to my family doctor April 18th and saw a Physician's Assistant. She called in the other PA and they said cellulitis and prescribed an antibiotic for 14 days. Nothing changed in the lump so called back into the office and was referred to see a surgeon saying she thought it was fatty tissue since the antibiotic didn't work. Appt with surgeon was April 27th and he confirmed it was just fatty tissue also.
Watched this lump and noticed it was growing larger. Called family doctor and insisted on seeing the doctor, not the PA. Appt was cancelled by doctor's office because doctor was sick. That was June 3rd. I then went away on vacation from June 6 until June 13. New appt to see doctor was scheduled for June 15th. He examined the lump and said he would like to get x-rays and I should make an appt with a dermatologist.
Appt made with dermatologist for June 28th. X-rays, June 20th.
Called family doctor's office to see if x-rays back on June 24th. Was told no.
Called family doctor's office on June 28 to see if x-rays back and send to dermatologist. Told yes and they would put in my health portal for me to see.
20 minutes later I am called by family doctor's office to cancel dermatologist's appt and come in at 2.
That's where it all started.
Positive life changes.
On July 8, 2016 I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Surprise!!!
How it began:
Noticed a small soft lump on top of my head sometime in March. Didn't think too much about it. Started to grow a little so went to my family doctor April 18th and saw a Physician's Assistant. She called in the other PA and they said cellulitis and prescribed an antibiotic for 14 days. Nothing changed in the lump so called back into the office and was referred to see a surgeon saying she thought it was fatty tissue since the antibiotic didn't work. Appt with surgeon was April 27th and he confirmed it was just fatty tissue also.
Watched this lump and noticed it was growing larger. Called family doctor and insisted on seeing the doctor, not the PA. Appt was cancelled by doctor's office because doctor was sick. That was June 3rd. I then went away on vacation from June 6 until June 13. New appt to see doctor was scheduled for June 15th. He examined the lump and said he would like to get x-rays and I should make an appt with a dermatologist.
Appt made with dermatologist for June 28th. X-rays, June 20th.
Called family doctor's office to see if x-rays back on June 24th. Was told no.
Called family doctor's office on June 28 to see if x-rays back and send to dermatologist. Told yes and they would put in my health portal for me to see.
20 minutes later I am called by family doctor's office to cancel dermatologist's appt and come in at 2.
That's where it all started.
Positive life changes.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
RETIREMENT - The Beginning!
How you like retirement? That was a question I was asked a lot. Didn't really have an answer at the time. Now I think I know - it's sleeping in if I wish, going to the gym if I wish, cleaning if I wish, napping if I wish but most of all living near one of my daughters, son-in-law and two of my grandkids. Something Bill and I had planned for several years. So I guess that was my beginning!!!
Embrace today.
How you like retirement? That was a question I was asked a lot. Didn't really have an answer at the time. Now I think I know - it's sleeping in if I wish, going to the gym if I wish, cleaning if I wish, napping if I wish but most of all living near one of my daughters, son-in-law and two of my grandkids. Something Bill and I had planned for several years. So I guess that was my beginning!!!
Embrace today.
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