Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Consultation Day - July 8, 2016

Biopsy came back abnormal also.  Pretty much the final detail needed to confirm that I definitely have Multiple Myeloma.  A treatable cancer but not a curable one.  The doctor compared it to a chronic disease like diabetes.

The treatment is highly effective at a 90% response rate - Dr. Sarriera. My appointment was at 3:15 and we left the office at 6:15.  Such a caring group of doctors and nurses.  Matt was our ears for this appt.  Much needed again.

Discussed by Dr. Sarriera and his nurse Desiree:
I will be on chemo meds for two weeks and off them for one week.  This repeats itself for 3 to 4 times.  After that time, I will have to have a bone marrow transplant and I get a vacation in the hospital from 15 to 30 days.

My meds consist of:

Zometa - Vitamin D treatment - 15 minute IV drip once every 12 weeks during treatment
Revlimid - A pill taken once a day for 14 days
Velcade - An injection 2 times a week
Decadron - 10 tablets all at once 1 time a week

Low dose aspirin (used to be called baby aspirins) daily forever
Calcium supplement- Daily forever
Vitamin D3-Daily forever


Spend time with people who make you feel good.

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