Thursday, July 21, 2016

Looking less rosy.

Day 7

Rash -zero, prednisone - two.

Good nights sleep minus 2 hours.  Rash is still there but not near as red and definitely not as swollen. Ears look normal again.  Have 5 days left of the prednisone to take.   And on top of that steroid, I get to take 10 of my treatment steroids tomorrow morning.  Bill said that batting practice should start getting interesting and the Yankees may be calling me with all these steroids

Tomorrow I get lab work done and my chemo injection.  Not so sure I want the same nurse I had do the injection on Monday.  Her injection left a heck of a bruise in my fluff.  First injection, no bruising.


Don't give up.  The beginning is always the hardest.  

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