On to UF Health Cancer Center
I was able to get an appt the very next day June 29th at UF Health Cancer Center. Kristi went along to be our ears and take notes as Bill and I were still in shock.
Talked first with Abby - Senior Nurse Practitioner. Reviewed the x-ray findings. Explained what would happen next as far as tests etc.
Dr. Sarriera then came in room and again explained what he saw and what the next steps would be.
Labs were done and all came back normal.
Two blood tests would take longer and if they were abnormal could point to Multiple Myeloma:
Free light chain ration
Monoclonal protien
Both came back abnormal.
I was scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy for June 6th.
Cherish your life.
The good news is that all your "regular" bloodwork is normal! That means other than that pesky cancer, you're healthy. :)