Wednesday, July 13, 2016

X-RAYS AND MRIs - July 12

All I can say is I got through the MRIs.  I am very claustrophobic and wasn't sure I was going to make it through 2 hours in the tube.  Lots of prayers, a very caring tech, Bill and a PILL made it possible.  Actually, if you can believe it, I slept through some of it.

Not good results but what was expected from my doctor. The treatment plan I will be on included exactly what was found on the MRI.  A few more lesions around the spine.

My quote for today:

Think of something positive and your emotions will lead you in that direction.


  1. In this instance, no surprises was a good thing!

  2. Thank goodness for PILLS! And BILLS (the humans, not the paper).

  3. Bill and pills ... Lol love it!
