Mashed cauliflower!
A little more energy today. A few achy bones, no appetite this morning or afternoon and a few stomach pains. Bill made me some ginger tea from a piece of ginger root. Seemed to help. Was able to eat dinner tonight. Mashed cauliflower was included. Actually was pretty good.
Hoping for a burst of energy tomorrow. Kristi, Bill and I are going to get mom, few things she needs to bring yet and move her into her assisted living facility. Will help her organize her room, get pictures hung etc. Kristi will be our declutterer. Look out mom.
Spend time with people who make you feel good!
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Piano music!
Finally settled enough to go to bed last night but couldn't get warm. I actually have three blankets, warm pjs and my housecoat thrown on top of me. Turned on my salt lamp, faced my healing angle towards me and turned on my Yiruma (piano music) station and finally fell asleep. Up a few times but was able to go back to sleep. This morning I was tired, foggy headed and had some muscle aches; neck and back. Took awhile to get motivated but I did. Yesterday was not pretty but it happened and I know it will happen again. Just have to deal with it in my way when it does.
On a lighter note, took Tommy to vets today. He has allergies. Had to get a steroid shot. 3 shots in all, a manicure and a pedicure (no polish)!
You fight because what other choice do you have?
Finally settled enough to go to bed last night but couldn't get warm. I actually have three blankets, warm pjs and my housecoat thrown on top of me. Turned on my salt lamp, faced my healing angle towards me and turned on my Yiruma (piano music) station and finally fell asleep. Up a few times but was able to go back to sleep. This morning I was tired, foggy headed and had some muscle aches; neck and back. Took awhile to get motivated but I did. Yesterday was not pretty but it happened and I know it will happen again. Just have to deal with it in my way when it does.
On a lighter note, took Tommy to vets today. He has allergies. Had to get a steroid shot. 3 shots in all, a manicure and a pedicure (no polish)!
You fight because what other choice do you have?
Monday, August 29, 2016
If you fight, we will fight with you!
These were words of kindness I heard from my chemo nurse, Maggie, today as I told her of my very emotional morning. Didn't really have a lot of energy from the time I got up. Just didn't feel all that great. Then the tears, along with the words, of why, don't wanna do this, don't wanna be me, hate this, want my happy back. Words and tears that have flowed out most of this whole day. These kind of days, I have been told, are okay to have occasionally. So glad I have a great husband to listen and allows me to cry on his shoulder. This I needed today. Calls from Kristi and Kerri and a text from a friend added to my comfort. Just one of those days that I couldn't hold myself together.
A strong person is not one who never cries. A strong person is one who cries, shedding tears for a bit, then gets up and fights again.
These were words of kindness I heard from my chemo nurse, Maggie, today as I told her of my very emotional morning. Didn't really have a lot of energy from the time I got up. Just didn't feel all that great. Then the tears, along with the words, of why, don't wanna do this, don't wanna be me, hate this, want my happy back. Words and tears that have flowed out most of this whole day. These kind of days, I have been told, are okay to have occasionally. So glad I have a great husband to listen and allows me to cry on his shoulder. This I needed today. Calls from Kristi and Kerri and a text from a friend added to my comfort. Just one of those days that I couldn't hold myself together.
A strong person is not one who never cries. A strong person is one who cries, shedding tears for a bit, then gets up and fights again.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Side effects not!
So far so good on the side efforts of my new chemo drug, cyclophosphamide. Rash is gone. Just a little tired feeling. Fingers crossed this is going to be the one to help me finish out my cycles to take me to remission and ready for a possible transplant.
Let's not focus on the odds!
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Stud finder for veins!
Steroids had my up till 2 AM. Slept till 6:30 then. Was able to take a long nap this afternoon! Other then a rash starting, but not like the Revlimid rash/hives, not seeing any other side efforts yet with my new chemo pill. And hope I don't. Will monitor the rash overnight and report to oncology team then. Rash is on face, neck, chest so far.
I have never see this before. Lab techs always have trouble finding my veins to draw blood. They do eventually get one. Miles, my lab tech yesterday, looked for a vein and was unsuccessful. So he pulls the mini looking stud finder out and proceeds to run it over the middle of my arm. He said, "found one!" He told me to look and there it was lit up in the middle of this stud finder. Cool. Guess I need to call it a vein finder. Then he proceeded to put a line in my arm. Wait. I do not need a line. He put it in anyway. Finally convinced him to look at my chart. Ugh. Drew my blood then removed it mumbling. Still nice to me though.
Focus on what matters!
Steroids had my up till 2 AM. Slept till 6:30 then. Was able to take a long nap this afternoon! Other then a rash starting, but not like the Revlimid rash/hives, not seeing any other side efforts yet with my new chemo pill. And hope I don't. Will monitor the rash overnight and report to oncology team then. Rash is on face, neck, chest so far.
I have never see this before. Lab techs always have trouble finding my veins to draw blood. They do eventually get one. Miles, my lab tech yesterday, looked for a vein and was unsuccessful. So he pulls the mini looking stud finder out and proceeds to run it over the middle of my arm. He said, "found one!" He told me to look and there it was lit up in the middle of this stud finder. Cool. Guess I need to call it a vein finder. Then he proceeded to put a line in my arm. Wait. I do not need a line. He put it in anyway. Finally convinced him to look at my chart. Ugh. Drew my blood then removed it mumbling. Still nice to me though.
Focus on what matters!
Friday, August 26, 2016
Some info may be disturbing!
I am adding a lot of info on my drugs tonight to help me understand and remember what they are used for. So you may or may not want to read it all. Skip down to the last few lines though to see about the singing! I needed to review as today is the start of my new treatment plan that I keep talking about.
Started off taking my 17 pills this morning:
Cyclophosphamide- 7 each 50 mg - anti-cancer chemo drug - halts cell division causing cells to die, both good and cancerous. Good cells grow back and are healthy but side efforts occur in the cells in the mouth, stomach, hair follicles and bowel. This results in low blood counts, nausea, month sores, hair loss and/or diarrhea. Not all side effects are common in everyone. They are manageable and there are options to minimize them. Like drinking 2 to 3 quarts of water a day, avoid people with colds, report fevers, wash hands often, soft toothbrush, avoid sun exposure, get plenty of rest, maintain good nutrition.
Decadron - 10 each 1.5 mg - anti-inflammatory drug - relieves inflammation in tumors in spine, brain, used to treat nausea caused by chemo drugs, used as treatment for various cancers such as multiple myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma. Classified as a corticosteroid helping to prevent infections and helps patients with blood disorders such as multiple myeloma. Common side effect are increased appetite, irritability, insomnia, heartburn, muscle weakness, impaired wound healing. Do not receive any kind of immunizations, no aspirin, wash hands often, take Decadron with food, drink 2 to 3 quarts of water each day, avoid sun exposure, limit caffeine intake.
Velcade - dosage is decided by my blood counts, approved by Dr. Sarriera, shoot it in the fluff. Taken as an injection Friday, Monday, Friday, Monday then stop for two weeks. Used as a targeted therapy (there are 3 types of targeted therapies) each focusing on a differs part of the cells. Gets into the cell and disrupts the function of the cells, causing them to die. Common side efforts are fatigue, neuropathy, nausea, diarrhea, general weakness, low platelet count (bleeding risk), low red blood cells (anemia), fever. Do not drive if experiencing dizziness, drink 2 to 3 quarts of water every day, report infection immediately, get plenty of rest, maintain good nutrition.
Also take low Dose aspirin, Calcium with vitamin D3, vitamin D3 5000 and a cholesterol pill taken daily. Hence 21 pills today. The 7 cyclophosphamide and the 10 Decadron are taken every Friday only. Velcade, as said above, Friday, Monday, Friday, Monday then off two weeks.
Left the house around 11:15, dropped off sisters at Sanford Airport and headed to Cancer Center for my 1:30 appt. Labs, chemo treatment room to wait for results to mix Velcade. Gave us lunch. BUT the best part was when two ladies came into my treatment room and sang happy birthday to me with voices that sounded angelic. Made me cry. Then handed me an ice cream cup decorated to look like a birthday cupcake and a card signed by the whole chemo team. Very special. Yes, today was my birthday. And today was one year ago we settled on our home. Injection given by, I would have to say, my all time favorite chemo nurse, Emma. Liked her from the beginning even before the singing. She wasn't one of the singers. Didn't get home until 4:30 ish. And here I sit because steroids and insomnia. May try to lay down soon.
This is a long post but thanks for following me and my daily rankings. Again, so helps me.
Also, sending a prayer out there for our friends Joanie and Harry. Harry is having some major health issues. Joanie is a wonderful caregiver that needs a prayer too. We love you Joanie and Harry.
God gave us life because He knew you were strong enough to live it!
I am adding a lot of info on my drugs tonight to help me understand and remember what they are used for. So you may or may not want to read it all. Skip down to the last few lines though to see about the singing! I needed to review as today is the start of my new treatment plan that I keep talking about.
Started off taking my 17 pills this morning:
Cyclophosphamide- 7 each 50 mg - anti-cancer chemo drug - halts cell division causing cells to die, both good and cancerous. Good cells grow back and are healthy but side efforts occur in the cells in the mouth, stomach, hair follicles and bowel. This results in low blood counts, nausea, month sores, hair loss and/or diarrhea. Not all side effects are common in everyone. They are manageable and there are options to minimize them. Like drinking 2 to 3 quarts of water a day, avoid people with colds, report fevers, wash hands often, soft toothbrush, avoid sun exposure, get plenty of rest, maintain good nutrition.
Decadron - 10 each 1.5 mg - anti-inflammatory drug - relieves inflammation in tumors in spine, brain, used to treat nausea caused by chemo drugs, used as treatment for various cancers such as multiple myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma. Classified as a corticosteroid helping to prevent infections and helps patients with blood disorders such as multiple myeloma. Common side effect are increased appetite, irritability, insomnia, heartburn, muscle weakness, impaired wound healing. Do not receive any kind of immunizations, no aspirin, wash hands often, take Decadron with food, drink 2 to 3 quarts of water each day, avoid sun exposure, limit caffeine intake.
Velcade - dosage is decided by my blood counts, approved by Dr. Sarriera, shoot it in the fluff. Taken as an injection Friday, Monday, Friday, Monday then stop for two weeks. Used as a targeted therapy (there are 3 types of targeted therapies) each focusing on a differs part of the cells. Gets into the cell and disrupts the function of the cells, causing them to die. Common side efforts are fatigue, neuropathy, nausea, diarrhea, general weakness, low platelet count (bleeding risk), low red blood cells (anemia), fever. Do not drive if experiencing dizziness, drink 2 to 3 quarts of water every day, report infection immediately, get plenty of rest, maintain good nutrition.
Also take low Dose aspirin, Calcium with vitamin D3, vitamin D3 5000 and a cholesterol pill taken daily. Hence 21 pills today. The 7 cyclophosphamide and the 10 Decadron are taken every Friday only. Velcade, as said above, Friday, Monday, Friday, Monday then off two weeks.
Left the house around 11:15, dropped off sisters at Sanford Airport and headed to Cancer Center for my 1:30 appt. Labs, chemo treatment room to wait for results to mix Velcade. Gave us lunch. BUT the best part was when two ladies came into my treatment room and sang happy birthday to me with voices that sounded angelic. Made me cry. Then handed me an ice cream cup decorated to look like a birthday cupcake and a card signed by the whole chemo team. Very special. Yes, today was my birthday. And today was one year ago we settled on our home. Injection given by, I would have to say, my all time favorite chemo nurse, Emma. Liked her from the beginning even before the singing. She wasn't one of the singers. Didn't get home until 4:30 ish. And here I sit because steroids and insomnia. May try to lay down soon.
This is a long post but thanks for following me and my daily rankings. Again, so helps me.
Also, sending a prayer out there for our friends Joanie and Harry. Harry is having some major health issues. Joanie is a wonderful caregiver that needs a prayer too. We love you Joanie and Harry.
God gave us life because He knew you were strong enough to live it!
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Happy Hour!
Today and tonight I spent time laughing, joking, reminiscing with my sisters, Cheri and Deb, and my brother, Rick. Got mom's things moved in, did some unpacking. Mom went back to Eustist and my siblings came here. Glad no one was taping us. 😂 What happens in Casselberry, stays in Casselberry!
Tomorrow starts my new treatment plan and the new med. Tomorrow I take 10 treatment steroids all at once and 7 cyclophosphamide pills (new chemo med) also all at once. Then we head to the Cancer Center for labs and my Velcade (chemo injection) at 1:30. Not the Friday Happy Hour I would rather have but I know this is want I have to do. Have to and want to to get me to remission. That's the plan!!!
Doctors can give you treatment but the real healer is my want to survive!
Today and tonight I spent time laughing, joking, reminiscing with my sisters, Cheri and Deb, and my brother, Rick. Got mom's things moved in, did some unpacking. Mom went back to Eustist and my siblings came here. Glad no one was taping us. 😂 What happens in Casselberry, stays in Casselberry!
Tomorrow starts my new treatment plan and the new med. Tomorrow I take 10 treatment steroids all at once and 7 cyclophosphamide pills (new chemo med) also all at once. Then we head to the Cancer Center for labs and my Velcade (chemo injection) at 1:30. Not the Friday Happy Hour I would rather have but I know this is want I have to do. Have to and want to to get me to remission. That's the plan!!!
Doctors can give you treatment but the real healer is my want to survive!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Feeling back to normal!
Good day for me. Foggy head gone. A little tired but that's okay. Hope tomorrow is the same. THEN Friday I start my new chemo cycle with the new new chemo pill. And I am confident it's going to work this time. Need to move forward to remission!!
A little mix up on my chemo shot schedule. Had to call and email to straighten that out. Again, I know my what my schedule is to be.
Keep calm and fight on!
Good day for me. Foggy head gone. A little tired but that's okay. Hope tomorrow is the same. THEN Friday I start my new chemo cycle with the new new chemo pill. And I am confident it's going to work this time. Need to move forward to remission!!
A little mix up on my chemo shot schedule. Had to call and email to straighten that out. Again, I know my what my schedule is to be.
Keep calm and fight on!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Making choices!
Today Bill and I had our consultation appt for the potential bone marrow/stem cell transplant at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. Arrived at 9 and left around 12:30. Talked first with RN, then with Dr. Ochoa and then with a transplant nurse coordinator. These conversations were at least 45 minutes with each one as they explained the why, where, when, what of a transplant. A lot of info to comprehend. We now know why this is a process that needs to be addressed well ahead of time. A lot Of preparation. After today, I feel this is a very necessary step for me to take to prolong my life. Lots of scary, worried thoughts floating around in my mind right now. I know I need to get more familiar with the transplant procedures by asking questions and reading the literature I was given to push out these fears.
Next step is to get my new treatment plan in the works and move on to complete around 4 cycles of treatments in order to get me cancer free and in remission. And that will determine when I can get the transplant. My oncology team at UF Health Cancer Center and the blood and marrow transplant team at Moffitt Cancer Center will now be working together during this time period to get me to the stage I need to be to proceed with the transplant. We are thinking this may be around end of November to the end of December. Usually a 5 week time frame.
Today was another one of those long but productive days dealing with my life and Multiple
Overwhelmed, stressed, anxious but still maintaining faith and hope!
Today Bill and I had our consultation appt for the potential bone marrow/stem cell transplant at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. Arrived at 9 and left around 12:30. Talked first with RN, then with Dr. Ochoa and then with a transplant nurse coordinator. These conversations were at least 45 minutes with each one as they explained the why, where, when, what of a transplant. A lot of info to comprehend. We now know why this is a process that needs to be addressed well ahead of time. A lot Of preparation. After today, I feel this is a very necessary step for me to take to prolong my life. Lots of scary, worried thoughts floating around in my mind right now. I know I need to get more familiar with the transplant procedures by asking questions and reading the literature I was given to push out these fears.
Next step is to get my new treatment plan in the works and move on to complete around 4 cycles of treatments in order to get me cancer free and in remission. And that will determine when I can get the transplant. My oncology team at UF Health Cancer Center and the blood and marrow transplant team at Moffitt Cancer Center will now be working together during this time period to get me to the stage I need to be to proceed with the transplant. We are thinking this may be around end of November to the end of December. Usually a 5 week time frame.
Today was another one of those long but productive days dealing with my life and Multiple
Overwhelmed, stressed, anxious but still maintaining faith and hope!
Monday, August 22, 2016
Sisters and brother!
Great visit with my sisters and brother today. The three of them are here to help get mom moved in to her assisted living facility. Move in day is Thursday. We will all be glad when this is done. Been quite stressful on us.
Today was an okay day. Just foggy headed and a little tired. Tomorrow will be a long day. Have to be in Tampa for a 9:30 appt. We plan on leaving here around 6:30. It's about a two hour drive but not sure where we are going so padding some time.
Live well, love much and laugh often.
Great visit with my sisters and brother today. The three of them are here to help get mom moved in to her assisted living facility. Move in day is Thursday. We will all be glad when this is done. Been quite stressful on us.
Today was an okay day. Just foggy headed and a little tired. Tomorrow will be a long day. Have to be in Tampa for a 9:30 appt. We plan on leaving here around 6:30. It's about a two hour drive but not sure where we are going so padding some time.
Live well, love much and laugh often.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Steroid down!
Today was a day I could have slept all day. Coming down off of my treatment steroids. I have a few days now of nothing but vitamins. This is good. Busy week. My sisters and brother fly in tomorrow to help get our mom moved. Tuesday, Bill and I go Tampa to the Moffitt Cancer Center for a consultation appointment regarding my potential bone marrow/stem cell transplant. Wednesday, Tommy to vet. Thursday, meeting movers at assisted living facility to move mom in. Friday, the scariest day to me, I start my new CyBorD treatment plan. 10 treatment steroids all at once, Velcade (chemo) injection, 7 - 50 mg each Cyclophosphamide (chemo) pills also all at once. Hopefully, this new chemo pill does not cause any reactions like the Revlimid did and I can get these cycles of treatment done.
Nice lunch with Kristi, Matt, the girls and one of Kristi's friends. And best of all, Michelle is home from her NY trip. Yeah.
When life kicks you, let it kick you forward!
Today was a day I could have slept all day. Coming down off of my treatment steroids. I have a few days now of nothing but vitamins. This is good. Busy week. My sisters and brother fly in tomorrow to help get our mom moved. Tuesday, Bill and I go Tampa to the Moffitt Cancer Center for a consultation appointment regarding my potential bone marrow/stem cell transplant. Wednesday, Tommy to vet. Thursday, meeting movers at assisted living facility to move mom in. Friday, the scariest day to me, I start my new CyBorD treatment plan. 10 treatment steroids all at once, Velcade (chemo) injection, 7 - 50 mg each Cyclophosphamide (chemo) pills also all at once. Hopefully, this new chemo pill does not cause any reactions like the Revlimid did and I can get these cycles of treatment done.
Nice lunch with Kristi, Matt, the girls and one of Kristi's friends. And best of all, Michelle is home from her NY trip. Yeah.
When life kicks you, let it kick you forward!
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Baking Christmas cookies!
Have our granddaughters for an overnight. So we decided to bake some sugar cookies and cut them out. I only have Christmas cookie cutters. E did suggest that we wash the play dough cookie cutters and use them. 😄 We decided not! Didn't sing carols though. Girls had fun decorating them with sprinkles. Tasted pretty good even though I limit my sugar intake, I admit that I had a few. The snowman and bell was especially good.
Well, my treatment steroids had me up until 5:30 this morning. Tried for bed at 11, 12 , 1 so finally gave up and watched some Netflix as I had said I was going to do in post last night. Slept till 7:30 and been up all day with the exception of an 1 1/2 nap. Needless to say, heading to bed soon and I hope I can sleep. Girls have been down since 9. Tired bakers.
Choose the best foods and drinks and rest frequently!
Have our granddaughters for an overnight. So we decided to bake some sugar cookies and cut them out. I only have Christmas cookie cutters. E did suggest that we wash the play dough cookie cutters and use them. 😄 We decided not! Didn't sing carols though. Girls had fun decorating them with sprinkles. Tasted pretty good even though I limit my sugar intake, I admit that I had a few. The snowman and bell was especially good.
Well, my treatment steroids had me up until 5:30 this morning. Tried for bed at 11, 12 , 1 so finally gave up and watched some Netflix as I had said I was going to do in post last night. Slept till 7:30 and been up all day with the exception of an 1 1/2 nap. Needless to say, heading to bed soon and I hope I can sleep. Girls have been down since 9. Tired bakers.
Choose the best foods and drinks and rest frequently!
Friday, August 19, 2016
28 Minutes!
You know that you have been to UF Health Cancer Center a lot when the GPS comes on when you get in the car and Google says over the speakers "28 minutes to Orlando". Made Bill and I laugh this morning. We were just on the way to Sams to replenish our fruits. Watermelons were only $3.98, which is great for FL right now. We have seen them priced at $10 at Publix. Really.
Took my 10 treatment steroids. Felt good for a bit and hit me with the sleepiness. About 2 hour nap. Floated in pool, dinner and now I have the I AM WIDE AWAKENESS! So I will be up for a bit watching Netflix.
Wake up and be thankful to God for life no matter how good or bad you think life is!
You know that you have been to UF Health Cancer Center a lot when the GPS comes on when you get in the car and Google says over the speakers "28 minutes to Orlando". Made Bill and I laugh this morning. We were just on the way to Sams to replenish our fruits. Watermelons were only $3.98, which is great for FL right now. We have seen them priced at $10 at Publix. Really.
Took my 10 treatment steroids. Felt good for a bit and hit me with the sleepiness. About 2 hour nap. Floated in pool, dinner and now I have the I AM WIDE AWAKENESS! So I will be up for a bit watching Netflix.
Wake up and be thankful to God for life no matter how good or bad you think life is!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Calm before the steroids!
Today I felt great. A few muscle/bone aches but nothing major. Been chemo med free these last few days as this is my week off. Tomorrow I take those 10 treatment steroids, Dexamethasone. Then back to nothing but normal vitamins and baby aspirins. One week from tomorrow, I will start my new treatment plan, CyBorD. More on that closer to start date.
Never stop chasing life!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Not a lot of my "foggy" head today. Felt decent.
My BIL Mark got here yesterday afternoon to spend two days with us. Needed to see me and see I was doing okay. He said he can go home and tell everyone that I still have a smile on my face. And I look good for now. That, my family and friends, makes me smile. Mark is a very special brother-in-law. One of several. Is nice for Bill to have someone to share some of his anxieties about my cancer with I am sure. They have spent a lot of time together these last two days talking and laughing.
Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too!
Not a lot of my "foggy" head today. Felt decent.
My BIL Mark got here yesterday afternoon to spend two days with us. Needed to see me and see I was doing okay. He said he can go home and tell everyone that I still have a smile on my face. And I look good for now. That, my family and friends, makes me smile. Mark is a very special brother-in-law. One of several. Is nice for Bill to have someone to share some of his anxieties about my cancer with I am sure. They have spent a lot of time together these last two days talking and laughing.
Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
The day after!
Velcade injection had me down some overnight and part of today. Foggy head again, dull headache and achy bones. But had company coming and needed to get a few things done. Which I did. Then took about a 2 hour nap this afternoon.
Headache gone but the achy bones not. Will be taking a Claritin before bed for that problem.
Focus on the positive!
Velcade injection had me down some overnight and part of today. Foggy head again, dull headache and achy bones. But had company coming and needed to get a few things done. Which I did. Then took about a 2 hour nap this afternoon.
Headache gone but the achy bones not. Will be taking a Claritin before bed for that problem.
Focus on the positive!
Monday, August 15, 2016
No labs needed?
Today I went for my Velcade injection. Last one this cycle. Will start again next Friday when my new treatment plan starts with my new chemo pill. In order for the pharmacy to mix my meds for the injection, I have to have lab work done every other time. This I know. So today was a lab day. When I went back to have the blood drawn, I was told that it wasn't to be done. I questioned it two times. Nope. Don't need it. Went back to the chemo room with Bill and sat for quite awhile without anyone acknowledging we were there. Finally about 45 minutes later, my chemo nurse, Tatyana, comes in. She seems scattered and in a big hurry. Explained they had a situation they had to deal with. Okay, fine. Then she runs through my normal questions they ask without really giving me time to answer between each one. She mentioned labs not needed, blah, blah, blah. I again questioned why. Still had my doubts. She said not needed this time and she ordered the injection from the pharmacy only to get a call from them saying they hadn't received my lab report to know what strength to mix my meds. Hence, I needed labs!!! Someone came and drew blood and sent it off for testing STAT. Done, meds ordered again and injection given by Vanassa not Tatyana. Bill thinks Tatyana was aggravated that I was right. But no reason for her not to finish me as her patient. Stuff happens and even though it took 2 hours for something that should have been a 1/2 hour appointment, it was fixable. And I got ice cream. 😏
Keep calm and fight on!
Today I went for my Velcade injection. Last one this cycle. Will start again next Friday when my new treatment plan starts with my new chemo pill. In order for the pharmacy to mix my meds for the injection, I have to have lab work done every other time. This I know. So today was a lab day. When I went back to have the blood drawn, I was told that it wasn't to be done. I questioned it two times. Nope. Don't need it. Went back to the chemo room with Bill and sat for quite awhile without anyone acknowledging we were there. Finally about 45 minutes later, my chemo nurse, Tatyana, comes in. She seems scattered and in a big hurry. Explained they had a situation they had to deal with. Okay, fine. Then she runs through my normal questions they ask without really giving me time to answer between each one. She mentioned labs not needed, blah, blah, blah. I again questioned why. Still had my doubts. She said not needed this time and she ordered the injection from the pharmacy only to get a call from them saying they hadn't received my lab report to know what strength to mix my meds. Hence, I needed labs!!! Someone came and drew blood and sent it off for testing STAT. Done, meds ordered again and injection given by Vanassa not Tatyana. Bill thinks Tatyana was aggravated that I was right. But no reason for her not to finish me as her patient. Stuff happens and even though it took 2 hours for something that should have been a 1/2 hour appointment, it was fixable. And I got ice cream. 😏
Keep calm and fight on!
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Miss that baby aspirin taste!
Today I only had to take vitamins and a baby aspirin. Remember the pink Bayer baby aspirins? Used to like the taste of them. Today's baby aspirins are called low dose aspirins. And they sure don't have that I will chew this pill thank you taste. At least the one I take doesn't.
Was a nice day and didn't think much about my illness. Pushed it back in my mind.
Keep things as normal as you can!
Today I only had to take vitamins and a baby aspirin. Remember the pink Bayer baby aspirins? Used to like the taste of them. Today's baby aspirins are called low dose aspirins. And they sure don't have that I will chew this pill thank you taste. At least the one I take doesn't.
Was a nice day and didn't think much about my illness. Pushed it back in my mind.
Keep things as normal as you can!
Saturday, August 13, 2016
No foggy head!!!
Today was a feel good, do good day for me. Actually slept until 6:30 this morning. Started off with my 5 things to do before getting out of bed from last nights post. Going to do that each morning for sure.
Best thing ever was the no foggy head today. Usually I have a foggy head. Today not. What a good feeling. Be back?, maybe, but today it wasn't there. No chemo or treatment meds today. Just the last prednisone.
Got mom and we went to her future home to measure for her furniture. Mom is moving into an assisted living place at the end of August. About 5 miles from me and 5 miles from Kristi. It's an awesome place and she is excited about it.
Thus, my reasons for a feel good, do good day.
There is no medicine like hope!
Today was a feel good, do good day for me. Actually slept until 6:30 this morning. Started off with my 5 things to do before getting out of bed from last nights post. Going to do that each morning for sure.
Best thing ever was the no foggy head today. Usually I have a foggy head. Today not. What a good feeling. Be back?, maybe, but today it wasn't there. No chemo or treatment meds today. Just the last prednisone.
Got mom and we went to her future home to measure for her furniture. Mom is moving into an assisted living place at the end of August. About 5 miles from me and 5 miles from Kristi. It's an awesome place and she is excited about it.
Thus, my reasons for a feel good, do good day.
There is no medicine like hope!
Friday, August 12, 2016
Another 4 AM Prednisone morning!
Yep. Went to bed at 11 and up at 4. Got some straightening up done though. Then took my 10 treatment steroids and 2 Prednisones. Probably another early morning tomorrow. 🤓
Didn't have to do labs before my chemo injection today so was a quick 1/2 hr appointment. My blood pressure was up though. Maybe all the steroids. Today I had Vassena as my chemo nurse. Nice young lady.
Bill and I also attended a New Member Welcome at the Cancer Center. It's amazing all the different support services they offer at no cost to the patient, caregivers and their family throughout the month. May be doing a gentle Yoga class, Tia Chi and a Healthy Living series. Need to coordinate with my appointments.
Will be going to get mom and Aunt Betts tomorrow for an overnight visit. Mom likes to see me ever so often to make sure I still look good and not hiding things from her. That's what mommy's do.
Quote: (a little different tonight)
5 things to do before you get out of bed:
1. Express gratitude.
2. Set your intentions for the day.
3. Take 5 long deep breaths in and out.
4. Smile for no reason.
5. Forgive yourself for yesterday's mistakes.
Yep. Went to bed at 11 and up at 4. Got some straightening up done though. Then took my 10 treatment steroids and 2 Prednisones. Probably another early morning tomorrow. 🤓
Didn't have to do labs before my chemo injection today so was a quick 1/2 hr appointment. My blood pressure was up though. Maybe all the steroids. Today I had Vassena as my chemo nurse. Nice young lady.
Bill and I also attended a New Member Welcome at the Cancer Center. It's amazing all the different support services they offer at no cost to the patient, caregivers and their family throughout the month. May be doing a gentle Yoga class, Tia Chi and a Healthy Living series. Need to coordinate with my appointments.
Will be going to get mom and Aunt Betts tomorrow for an overnight visit. Mom likes to see me ever so often to make sure I still look good and not hiding things from her. That's what mommy's do.
Quote: (a little different tonight)
5 things to do before you get out of bed:
1. Express gratitude.
2. Set your intentions for the day.
3. Take 5 long deep breaths in and out.
4. Smile for no reason.
5. Forgive yourself for yesterday's mistakes.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Stop counting
Day 7
Went to bed around 11 last night but have been up since 4:30 this morning with the exception of an hour nap this afternoon. Still going strong. Prednisone does that to me. And I have two more days to take prednisone (2 tomorrow and 1 Saturday). But tomorrow I take my 10 treatment steroids and get a Velcade injection. So I should be ready to sleep by next Tuesday. 💤💤 😉
Since I was taken off the Revlimid and I will not be starting my new treatment plan until the 26th, I am not going to count my cycle days any longer for this cycle. Phew. Soon I will be on a full treatment cycle. This new treatment plan is going to work!!!
Fill your veins with medicines, fill your heart with love, fill your mind with determination and fill your soul with hope so that cancer has no place to stay!
Day 7
Went to bed around 11 last night but have been up since 4:30 this morning with the exception of an hour nap this afternoon. Still going strong. Prednisone does that to me. And I have two more days to take prednisone (2 tomorrow and 1 Saturday). But tomorrow I take my 10 treatment steroids and get a Velcade injection. So I should be ready to sleep by next Tuesday. 💤💤 😉
Since I was taken off the Revlimid and I will not be starting my new treatment plan until the 26th, I am not going to count my cycle days any longer for this cycle. Phew. Soon I will be on a full treatment cycle. This new treatment plan is going to work!!!
Fill your veins with medicines, fill your heart with love, fill your mind with determination and fill your soul with hope so that cancer has no place to stay!
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Day 6
Labs, survey and then appointment with Abby and then Dr. Sarriera and Abby. What an upbeat person LP Abby is when discussing my progress with Bill and I. And she had some upbeat news to discuss. My Myeloma protein was pretty good today. I started at a 1.0 and now it's at .04. Great news. Not where they want it to be yet before I can have the transplant but getting there. And this even though I have not completed one full cycle of my treatment plan with the Revlimid because of the reaction I have to it. So Dr. Sarriera is going to start me on a new treatment plan starting August 26 (that day sounds familiar). I will finish the rest of this cycle 2 of chemo injections (Velcade) on Friday and Monday, along with the 10 steroids (Dexamethasone) on Friday and Friday. Confusing, I know. Desiree made me a calendar and will update it with new treatment plan. Then August 26th, I will begin the CyBorD treatment plan. This plan will be 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I will still be taking the Valcade injections, the steroids but the new chemo pill is called cyclophosphamide. I keep thinking it's called cyclops. Hence, CyBorD
Bor-Bortezomib (generic name of Velcade)
I asked Dr. Sarriera if a transplant was necessary. He said recommended, highly recommended. The rate of Multiple Myeloma patients having a recurrence is very rare and the survival rate is up to double digits, 10 to 20 years, after having a transplant. Bill said he could probably keep me around another 20 years. Dr. Sarriera also expressed his happiness with the results of the Myeloma protein.
Again, comments were made about the progress I have made even though I haven't completed a full treatment plan cycle.
This all being said, I know there are a lot of prayers being said, positive energy sent my way, cyber hugs and positive healings vibes all helping me and my team of doctors get me to my happy ending. May be a while but it will be! Thanks to each and everyone of you.
Cancer is an ugly disease but the beauty of life after cancer is worth fighting for!
Day 6
Labs, survey and then appointment with Abby and then Dr. Sarriera and Abby. What an upbeat person LP Abby is when discussing my progress with Bill and I. And she had some upbeat news to discuss. My Myeloma protein was pretty good today. I started at a 1.0 and now it's at .04. Great news. Not where they want it to be yet before I can have the transplant but getting there. And this even though I have not completed one full cycle of my treatment plan with the Revlimid because of the reaction I have to it. So Dr. Sarriera is going to start me on a new treatment plan starting August 26 (that day sounds familiar). I will finish the rest of this cycle 2 of chemo injections (Velcade) on Friday and Monday, along with the 10 steroids (Dexamethasone) on Friday and Friday. Confusing, I know. Desiree made me a calendar and will update it with new treatment plan. Then August 26th, I will begin the CyBorD treatment plan. This plan will be 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I will still be taking the Valcade injections, the steroids but the new chemo pill is called cyclophosphamide. I keep thinking it's called cyclops. Hence, CyBorD
Bor-Bortezomib (generic name of Velcade)
I asked Dr. Sarriera if a transplant was necessary. He said recommended, highly recommended. The rate of Multiple Myeloma patients having a recurrence is very rare and the survival rate is up to double digits, 10 to 20 years, after having a transplant. Bill said he could probably keep me around another 20 years. Dr. Sarriera also expressed his happiness with the results of the Myeloma protein.
Again, comments were made about the progress I have made even though I haven't completed a full treatment plan cycle.
This all being said, I know there are a lot of prayers being said, positive energy sent my way, cyber hugs and positive healings vibes all helping me and my team of doctors get me to my happy ending. May be a while but it will be! Thanks to each and everyone of you.
Cancer is an ugly disease but the beauty of life after cancer is worth fighting for!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Off again, on again!
Day 5
Off the Revlimid, on the prednisone. Tired, wide awake, hungry, not hungry. That's steroids. Will see what the doctor says tomorrow.
Today was a sad day for Bill and I. We had to put our little girl Chai down. She had a tumor on her abdomen that was inoperable. Vet was so nice. Hurts.
With brave wings, she flies.
Day 5
Off the Revlimid, on the prednisone. Tired, wide awake, hungry, not hungry. That's steroids. Will see what the doctor says tomorrow.
Today was a sad day for Bill and I. We had to put our little girl Chai down. She had a tumor on her abdomen that was inoperable. Vet was so nice. Hurts.
With brave wings, she flies.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Tonight Bill and I attended a Multiple Myeloma support group function. So glad we went. About 15 people there. 1/2 care givers. One lady was diagnosed in 2006 and is in remission for the second time. A young man with kids ages 12, 10 and 9 diagnosed the same time as me. Several have had transplants, some have not. Great mix of stories. Even served us dinner. Various pastas, salads and desserts. Received a lot of information about this cancer. But most of all, received hopes and positive energy from strangers who have fought or are fighting Multiple Myeloma. Strangers now but to become another group of friends who will fight along side each other. We will definitely go back.
Friends do not let friends fight cancer alone!
Tonight Bill and I attended a Multiple Myeloma support group function. So glad we went. About 15 people there. 1/2 care givers. One lady was diagnosed in 2006 and is in remission for the second time. A young man with kids ages 12, 10 and 9 diagnosed the same time as me. Several have had transplants, some have not. Great mix of stories. Even served us dinner. Various pastas, salads and desserts. Received a lot of information about this cancer. But most of all, received hopes and positive energy from strangers who have fought or are fighting Multiple Myeloma. Strangers now but to become another group of friends who will fight along side each other. We will definitely go back.
Friends do not let friends fight cancer alone!
Reaction again.
Day 4
Itching and hives are back even with the lower dose of Revlimid. This is about the same time it happened last cycle. Had my chemo shot and then to see my oncology nurse to check out the rash. Off Revlimid and on prednisone 6-5-4-3-2-1. Have an appointment with Dr Sarriera on Wednesday to discuss again.
Trust your doctors, trust your treatment, trust your family and friends and most importantly, trust your prayers.
Day 4
Itching and hives are back even with the lower dose of Revlimid. This is about the same time it happened last cycle. Had my chemo shot and then to see my oncology nurse to check out the rash. Off Revlimid and on prednisone 6-5-4-3-2-1. Have an appointment with Dr Sarriera on Wednesday to discuss again.
Trust your doctors, trust your treatment, trust your family and friends and most importantly, trust your prayers.
Sunday fun day.
Day 3
Slept well last night and stayed in bed till 7 ish. Yeah. Breakfast, chemo med and off to a nice day with Michelle. Drove over to mom's for a bit. Then lunch, Ross's, TJ Maxx, Stein Mart, Tuesday Mornings, Publix. Then stir fry dinner with the Tremaines. So I am saying it was a good day for day 3. Did sneak a little nap in there.
This is the day in my first cycle that the allergic reaction to my chemo pill, Revlimid, started. Watching for signs. The first sign last time was the itchy head. Nothing yet. So hoping the lower dosage does the trick.
Thanks everyone of you for taking time out of your day to read my blog of rattlings. For all the prayers, positive energy and cyber hugs. So appreciated.
Tell yourself everyday - I moved a step closer to recovery!
Saturday, August 6, 2016
5:30 AM
Day 2
Finally went to bed around midnight. Slept good (except a few bathroom breaks cause I am drinking all day) until 5:30. Then 😳 Not able to go back to sleep. Got up, took a walk once it got light. Had to make sure all night creatures were gone. Great breakfast, chemo pill taken, cleaned house some, lunch. Then laid down and Bill called me at 4:30. Michelle and Gery came over for cocktails before dinner. My cocktail consist of water with strawberries and lemons. AND then I ate salmon cakes for dinner. Really did. I am not a seafood eater other than crab and shrimp. Actually not bad. They were cooked in chopped up broccoli no less. Bill really does a great job watching my healthy eating and drinking habits.
Great day for this groggy headed me. 😜
Look to this day for this is life!
Day 2
Finally went to bed around midnight. Slept good (except a few bathroom breaks cause I am drinking all day) until 5:30. Then 😳 Not able to go back to sleep. Got up, took a walk once it got light. Had to make sure all night creatures were gone. Great breakfast, chemo pill taken, cleaned house some, lunch. Then laid down and Bill called me at 4:30. Michelle and Gery came over for cocktails before dinner. My cocktail consist of water with strawberries and lemons. AND then I ate salmon cakes for dinner. Really did. I am not a seafood eater other than crab and shrimp. Actually not bad. They were cooked in chopped up broccoli no less. Bill really does a great job watching my healthy eating and drinking habits.
Great day for this groggy headed me. 😜
Look to this day for this is life!
Friday, August 5, 2016
Time to start again.
Cycle 2, Day 1
Are you ready to follow me through 14 days of my next treatment? I will be posting about it as it keeps me focused and helps me relay things to my doctors. And I like to blog (to talk really)!
Our appointment today was for 1:30. First did a full panel lab work for Multiple Myeloma. Then we went back to the chemo room to wait the results. Have to check the blood levels (takes about 45 minutes), contact my oncology team with the levels to make sure all okay and get their approval to constant pharmacist to mix my meds for the injection. Pharmacy sends to my chemo nurse, who gives me the injection. Meanwhile, Bill and I snuggled our feet under my heated blanket. He wore sandals today and his feet were cold. 😅 All the labs came back good except my Bilirubin. A little elevated. Not the first time but a red flag they watch. Maybe I am drinking too much water, not! Will discuss this Dr. Sarriera on Wednesday again.
My chemo nurse today was Kara. I was to be her patient 2 other times but it was her lunch time, so her back-up took over. Today I got there after her lunch. Bill told her she was in the running to see if her injection bruised. I think it made her a little nervous.
Picked up my new dosage Chemo pill Revlimid, my Friday 10 at a time treatment steroids and theprednisone (in case I get that allergic reaction to the Revlimid again).
Along with my normal daily vitamins and baby aspirin, I Took my 10 treatment steroids, my Revlimid, my Velcade (the chemo injection) - the beginning day of Cycle 2.
14 days on 7 off.
Eat watermelon to alleviate a dry mouth!
Cycle 2, Day 1
Are you ready to follow me through 14 days of my next treatment? I will be posting about it as it keeps me focused and helps me relay things to my doctors. And I like to blog (to talk really)!
Our appointment today was for 1:30. First did a full panel lab work for Multiple Myeloma. Then we went back to the chemo room to wait the results. Have to check the blood levels (takes about 45 minutes), contact my oncology team with the levels to make sure all okay and get their approval to constant pharmacist to mix my meds for the injection. Pharmacy sends to my chemo nurse, who gives me the injection. Meanwhile, Bill and I snuggled our feet under my heated blanket. He wore sandals today and his feet were cold. 😅 All the labs came back good except my Bilirubin. A little elevated. Not the first time but a red flag they watch. Maybe I am drinking too much water, not! Will discuss this Dr. Sarriera on Wednesday again.
My chemo nurse today was Kara. I was to be her patient 2 other times but it was her lunch time, so her back-up took over. Today I got there after her lunch. Bill told her she was in the running to see if her injection bruised. I think it made her a little nervous.
Picked up my new dosage Chemo pill Revlimid, my Friday 10 at a time treatment steroids and theprednisone (in case I get that allergic reaction to the Revlimid again).
Along with my normal daily vitamins and baby aspirin, I Took my 10 treatment steroids, my Revlimid, my Velcade (the chemo injection) - the beginning day of Cycle 2.
14 days on 7 off.
Eat watermelon to alleviate a dry mouth!
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Keep up the good work!
The UF Health Cancer Center has a patient portal that houses all my medical lab reports, X-Ray reports, MRI reports etc. Also this portal is my direct line of communication to Dr. Sarriera, Abby and Desiree via email messages. The three of us have used this email quite a few times over the last month. Mainly I deal with Desiree, and if needed, she will contact Dr. Sarriera and/or Abby. Majority of the times, Desiree knows the answers to my questions. Some days, it's nothing to get 3 or more emails from her. Today Desiree added to my feel good day. After answering my questions, she wrote:
"You're doing a great job of being educated and involved in your care. Proud you are our patient. As you get the hang of this, I hope it empowers you that you have taken control where you can in a situation that is out of your hands. Keep up the good work!"
It is what it is but it will become what you make it!
The UF Health Cancer Center has a patient portal that houses all my medical lab reports, X-Ray reports, MRI reports etc. Also this portal is my direct line of communication to Dr. Sarriera, Abby and Desiree via email messages. The three of us have used this email quite a few times over the last month. Mainly I deal with Desiree, and if needed, she will contact Dr. Sarriera and/or Abby. Majority of the times, Desiree knows the answers to my questions. Some days, it's nothing to get 3 or more emails from her. Today Desiree added to my feel good day. After answering my questions, she wrote:
"You're doing a great job of being educated and involved in your care. Proud you are our patient. As you get the hang of this, I hope it empowers you that you have taken control where you can in a situation that is out of your hands. Keep up the good work!"
It is what it is but it will become what you make it!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Added a little salt.
Years ago my grandaughter Sasha told me that when she goes to bed, she turns her thinker off. Makes it easier to go to sleep. I have repeated that in my mind over the years. Makes me smile. Today was one of those days my thinker was not listening. Wouldn't turn off. The whys, what ifs, this is a dream, the can't be happenings all just came rushing in today. Finally they emerged in the form of salty tears in to our pool. My tears pushing all those "thinkers" out with Bill by my side. My thinker is still turned on but right now it's sharing thoughts of my happy place. My grandkids. Jakob, Kristopher, Sasha, Juliana, Ellie, Chad, Leah and Layton.
Cancer can not shut out memories, silence courage or corrode faith!
Years ago my grandaughter Sasha told me that when she goes to bed, she turns her thinker off. Makes it easier to go to sleep. I have repeated that in my mind over the years. Makes me smile. Today was one of those days my thinker was not listening. Wouldn't turn off. The whys, what ifs, this is a dream, the can't be happenings all just came rushing in today. Finally they emerged in the form of salty tears in to our pool. My tears pushing all those "thinkers" out with Bill by my side. My thinker is still turned on but right now it's sharing thoughts of my happy place. My grandkids. Jakob, Kristopher, Sasha, Juliana, Ellie, Chad, Leah and Layton.
Cancer can not shut out memories, silence courage or corrode faith!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Talk before sleep.
Kristi, mom and I did some running around this morning in to the early afternoon before we took mom home. Then our son-in-law ask us over for a spaghetti dinner. Thanks Matt. It was great. And the homemade milk shake (yes, Michelle I got my milkshake finally) was the best.
I will be able to sleep good tonight because I just had a phone conversation with a great friend. A friend that has always been there when needed even if a year or more would go by. We talked about our Army days in Germany, our kids, old people, ghosts, grandkids and how our lives have changed. Most of all, Joanie listened to me talk about multiple myeloma, the treatments, my ups and downs, my fears. And we talked about her husband Harry who is also fighting some very major health problems and hopefully on the way to recovery. And that call my friends, only took us 2 hours. My talk before sleep with Joanie is just what I needed tonight. And we will do it again.
When the sun goes down, the stars come out!
Kristi, mom and I did some running around this morning in to the early afternoon before we took mom home. Then our son-in-law ask us over for a spaghetti dinner. Thanks Matt. It was great. And the homemade milk shake (yes, Michelle I got my milkshake finally) was the best.
I will be able to sleep good tonight because I just had a phone conversation with a great friend. A friend that has always been there when needed even if a year or more would go by. We talked about our Army days in Germany, our kids, old people, ghosts, grandkids and how our lives have changed. Most of all, Joanie listened to me talk about multiple myeloma, the treatments, my ups and downs, my fears. And we talked about her husband Harry who is also fighting some very major health problems and hopefully on the way to recovery. And that call my friends, only took us 2 hours. My talk before sleep with Joanie is just what I needed tonight. And we will do it again.
When the sun goes down, the stars come out!
Monday, August 1, 2016
A number 8 razor.
Didn't like the way the sides of my hair was sticking out. So back I went. Cynthia got out the razor and off it went. I don't think I have ever had a razor used on my hair before. So it's short. I think I like it. Will see in the AM. Mom got a new do too.
Was kind of a downer day. Tried to focus on something other than my condition. Hard to do sometimes. Seems to be in the back of my mind and sneaks out to bother me. But so many of these "sneaks" are quickly pushed back with a text from someone, a card in the mail, a phone call, Michelle visit, IM, prayer in the air or even a piece of broccoli. Things that I am thankful for, things that happen for a reason.
When fear knocks, let faith open the door!
Didn't like the way the sides of my hair was sticking out. So back I went. Cynthia got out the razor and off it went. I don't think I have ever had a razor used on my hair before. So it's short. I think I like it. Will see in the AM. Mom got a new do too.
Was kind of a downer day. Tried to focus on something other than my condition. Hard to do sometimes. Seems to be in the back of my mind and sneaks out to bother me. But so many of these "sneaks" are quickly pushed back with a text from someone, a card in the mail, a phone call, Michelle visit, IM, prayer in the air or even a piece of broccoli. Things that I am thankful for, things that happen for a reason.
When fear knocks, let faith open the door!
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