Monday, August 1, 2016

A number 8 razor.

Didn't like the way the sides of my hair was sticking out.  So back I went.  Cynthia got out the razor and off it went.  I don't think I have ever had a razor used on my hair before.  So it's short.  I think I like it.  Will see in the AM.  Mom got a new do too.

Was kind of a downer day.    Tried to focus on something other than my condition.  Hard to do sometimes. Seems to be in the back of my mind and sneaks out to bother me.  But so many of these "sneaks" are quickly pushed back with a text from someone, a card in the mail, a phone call, Michelle visit, IM, prayer in the air or even a piece of broccoli.  Things that I am thankful for, things that happen for a reason.


When fear knocks, let faith open the door!


  1. You're allowed to have those days. It's still new. You are going to kick MM's ass! Then, it won't be on your mind all the time! Xoxo

  2. Or an E-mail?? Sometimes when we receive an e-mail, text, message, phone call also from you, it brightens our day to know you are, fighting, smiling, staying positive and being strong no matter how the day goes or the distance between us..Stay strong! Love you BFF!!

    1. Love to you and Bill, this is Louise and yes thank you Kristi your instructions worked!
