Monday, August 15, 2016

No labs needed?

Today I went for my Velcade injection.  Last one this cycle.  Will start again next Friday when my new treatment plan starts with my new chemo pill.  In order for the pharmacy to mix my meds for the injection, I have to have lab work done every other time.  This I know.  So today was a lab day.   When I went back to have the blood drawn, I was told that it wasn't to be done.  I questioned it two times.  Nope.  Don't need it.  Went back to the chemo room with Bill and sat for quite awhile without anyone acknowledging we were there.  Finally about 45 minutes later, my chemo nurse, Tatyana, comes in.  She seems scattered and in a big hurry.  Explained they had a situation they had to deal with.  Okay, fine.  Then she runs through my normal questions they ask without really giving me time to answer between each one.  She mentioned labs not needed, blah, blah, blah.  I again questioned why.  Still had my doubts.   She said not needed this time and she ordered the injection from the pharmacy only to get a call from them saying they hadn't received my lab report to know what strength to mix my meds.  Hence, I needed labs!!!   Someone came and drew blood and sent it off for testing STAT.  Done, meds ordered again and injection given by Vanassa not Tatyana.  Bill thinks Tatyana was aggravated that I was right.  But no reason for her not to finish me as her patient.  Stuff happens and even though it took 2 hours for something that should have been a 1/2 hour appointment, it was fixable.  And I got ice cream.  😏


Keep calm and fight on!


  1. So glad they corrected that.....Sure makes you mad when they think you don'know what you are talking about...Just keep on doing so good and know that I love you. From here to the moon and back... Mom

  2. One thing I've learned over the years is that we are our own best advocate with medical treatment and it aggravates the staff, especially when they're wrong. 😡

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hopefully they learned from their mistake.

    Lol. Not broccoli ice cream.
