Saturday, August 13, 2016

No foggy head!!!

Today was a feel good, do good day for me.  Actually slept until 6:30 this morning.  Started off with my 5 things to do before getting out of bed from last nights post. Going to do that each morning for sure.

Best thing ever was the no foggy head today.  Usually I have a foggy head.  Today not.  What a good feeling.  Be back?, maybe, but today it wasn't there.  No chemo or treatment meds today.  Just the last prednisone.

Got mom and we went to her future home to measure for her furniture.  Mom is moving into an assisted living place at the end of August.  About 5 miles from me and 5 miles from Kristi.  It's an awesome place and she is excited about it.

Thus, my reasons for a feel good, do good day.


There is no medicine like hope!

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