Saturday, August 20, 2016

Baking Christmas cookies!

Have our granddaughters for an overnight.  So we decided to bake some sugar cookies and cut them out.  I only have Christmas cookie cutters.  E did suggest that we wash the play dough cookie cutters and use them.  😄  We decided not!  Didn't sing carols though.  Girls had fun decorating them with sprinkles.  Tasted pretty good even though I limit my sugar intake, I admit that I had a few.  The snowman and bell was especially good.

Well, my treatment steroids had me up until 5:30 this morning.  Tried for bed at 11, 12 , 1 so finally gave up and watched some Netflix as I had said I was going to do in post last night. Slept till 7:30 and been up all day with the exception of an 1 1/2 nap.  Needless to say, heading to bed soon and I hope I can sleep.  Girls have been down since 9.  Tired bakers.


Choose the best foods and drinks and rest frequently!

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