Some info may be disturbing!
I am adding a lot of info on my drugs tonight to help me understand and remember what they are used for. So you may or may not want to read it all. Skip down to the last few lines though to see about the singing! I needed to review as today is the start of my new treatment plan that I keep talking about.
Started off taking my 17 pills this morning:
Cyclophosphamide- 7 each 50 mg - anti-cancer chemo drug - halts cell division causing cells to die, both good and cancerous. Good cells grow back and are healthy but side efforts occur in the cells in the mouth, stomach, hair follicles and bowel. This results in low blood counts, nausea, month sores, hair loss and/or diarrhea. Not all side effects are common in everyone. They are manageable and there are options to minimize them. Like drinking 2 to 3 quarts of water a day, avoid people with colds, report fevers, wash hands often, soft toothbrush, avoid sun exposure, get plenty of rest, maintain good nutrition.
Decadron - 10 each 1.5 mg - anti-inflammatory drug - relieves inflammation in tumors in spine, brain, used to treat nausea caused by chemo drugs, used as treatment for various cancers such as multiple myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma. Classified as a corticosteroid helping to prevent infections and helps patients with blood disorders such as multiple myeloma. Common side effect are increased appetite, irritability, insomnia, heartburn, muscle weakness, impaired wound healing. Do not receive any kind of immunizations, no aspirin, wash hands often, take Decadron with food, drink 2 to 3 quarts of water each day, avoid sun exposure, limit caffeine intake.
Velcade - dosage is decided by my blood counts, approved by Dr. Sarriera, shoot it in the fluff. Taken as an injection Friday, Monday, Friday, Monday then stop for two weeks. Used as a targeted therapy (there are 3 types of targeted therapies) each focusing on a differs part of the cells. Gets into the cell and disrupts the function of the cells, causing them to die. Common side efforts are fatigue, neuropathy, nausea, diarrhea, general weakness, low platelet count (bleeding risk), low red blood cells (anemia), fever. Do not drive if experiencing dizziness, drink 2 to 3 quarts of water every day, report infection immediately, get plenty of rest, maintain good nutrition.
Also take low Dose aspirin, Calcium with vitamin D3, vitamin D3 5000 and a cholesterol pill taken daily. Hence 21 pills today. The 7 cyclophosphamide and the 10 Decadron are taken every Friday only. Velcade, as said above, Friday, Monday, Friday, Monday then off two weeks.
Left the house around 11:15, dropped off sisters at Sanford Airport and headed to Cancer Center for my 1:30 appt. Labs, chemo treatment room to wait for results to mix Velcade. Gave us lunch. BUT the best part was when two ladies came into my treatment room and sang happy birthday to me with voices that sounded angelic. Made me cry. Then handed me an ice cream cup decorated to look like a birthday cupcake and a card signed by the whole chemo team. Very special. Yes, today was my birthday. And today was one year ago we settled on our home. Injection given by, I would have to say, my all time favorite chemo nurse, Emma. Liked her from the beginning even before the singing. She wasn't one of the singers. Didn't get home until 4:30 ish. And here I sit because steroids and insomnia. May try to lay down soon.
This is a long post but thanks for following me and my daily rankings. Again, so helps me.
Also, sending a prayer out there for our friends Joanie and Harry. Harry is having some major health issues. Joanie is a wonderful caregiver that needs a prayer too. We love you Joanie and Harry.
God gave us life because He knew you were strong enough to live it!
ReplyDeleteIt's a birthday present that may suck but will work!!!!
Happy birthday!! (a day late). Sending love and prayers your way and also to your friends. Love you guys. Susan
DeleteHappy birthday!! (a day late). Sending love and prayers your way and also to your friends. Love you guys. Susan
DeleteHappy Birthday Kathy! I'm keeping an eye on you...sending Prayers, Love & Light to help through treatment to remission!