Friday, August 19, 2016

28 Minutes!

You know that you have been to UF Health Cancer Center a lot when the GPS comes on when you get in the car and Google says over the speakers "28 minutes to Orlando".  Made Bill and I laugh this morning.  We were just on the way to Sams to replenish our fruits.  Watermelons were only $3.98, which is great for FL right now.  We have seen them priced at $10 at Publix.  Really.

Took my 10 treatment steroids.  Felt good for a bit and hit me with the sleepiness.  About 2 hour nap. Floated in pool, dinner and now I have the I AM WIDE AWAKENESS!   So I will be up for a bit watching Netflix.


Wake up and be thankful to God for life no matter how good or bad you think life is!

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