Thursday, September 1, 2016

Early riser.

A few aches last night but slept pretty good.  Wake up around 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.  Today was a I feel mostly normal day other then normal not a lot energy.  But getting myself ready to take my 7 new chemo pills and 10 treatment steroids.  Then off to Cancer Center for my chemo shot. This is going to be my Friday for several weeks fighting towards remission.  I will take it so get there!

Got mom moved.  Her room is shaping up nicely.  Still a lot more to go through but will get done slowly but surely.  Kristi was a great help as always.  Last I talked to mom, she was having dinner with her three new friends and then going to play bingo.  Sure helped me with my stress level.  This is a good thing.


Spare me some patience if you could!

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