Friday, September 23, 2016

Jell-o Creations!  Dirt Cups!

Been two weeks since last Velcade chemo shot.  Today was the beginning of my last cycle of Velcade before preparing for my transplant.  I will get 4 shots then no more until, if any, after transplant.  Not sure yet what my maintenance drug will be.  So shots today the 23rd, 26th, 30th and 3rd.  Then Zometa drip (bone strengthener) on the 7th.  Also, took my 10 steroids and 7 chemo pills along with daily vitamins and baby aspirin, my every Friday regulars.  Not sure if if I have to continue with the treatment steroids and the chemo pills once the Velcade stops. Have to talk to the transplant coordinator, Kelley.  My oncologist's office and transplant office need to mesh my daily routine together for me once the Velcade is complete.  Had a wonderful nurse today.  Christina.  She was so cheerful, funny and caring.  Her shot in the fluff was by far the quickest and lest painful.  We'll compare the bruise in a few days.  Lol.  Bill told her that is how we compare my nurses, by the size of the bruise.

Last night was another night of neuropathy pain.  Took pain pill earlier, slept for about 2 hours.  The up about 2 hours walking off and on, stretching and sitting in recliner.  The was able to sleep  3 hours and went back in bedroom.  Got another 2 hours.  Hope tonight isn't the same.

Was able to finally have the girls over to spend the night.  Was lightly napping and heard whispers of - hi Didi.  They were peeking in my door.  Told them to join me and we laid there and talked a bit. Better than chemo meds.  Told Sasha her voice and laughter was sounding like a teenager.  Then had to explain that wasn't a bad thing.  😏   Got up and girls made Jell-o Creations Dirt Cups complete with worms (gummy) while Bill did chicken breasts and legs on the grill for dinner.  As much as we wanted to, we didn't get the cups until after dinner.  Bill and I didn't eat ours.  Well, I must admit I did take a few bites if my.  Chocolate you know.  Not great for cancer but craved by me.  Oh, we had to do some adding, subtracting, multiplication and division to see have to use my 18 ounce cups verses 5 ounce cups requested in directions.  Girls and I figured it out. Kristi will be proud of us.  And I used the old days math.  😏   Then Ellie said, just cut the cups to the right size!   😙


Don't count the days, make the days count!

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