Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Heading west?

So tired last night.  Figured I could go to bed at 9:30 and slept most of the night.  Not!  Was up at 11:30.  Feet, legs and arms throbbing.  Took 2 pain pills and fell asleep in the lounge chair.  Around 3 this morning, I felt that someone was staring at me.  Tommy!  Was able to go to bed and sleep until 6:30.

My Bear and Paul headed back to CO at 8 AM this morning.  They left with a pick up full of things that we have been saving for them for a while.  Last I heard, they were still driving.  In TN.  Was such a nice visit even though short.  Kerri and I both needed this!  Medicine for our hearts.


Your life can change in a minute!

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