Thursday-my good day!
Had some new pain early this morning. Lower back, down top front of leg and then my knee and down. Heating pad wasn't helpful nor was ice. Bill rubbed some Blue Emu on the areas and was able to relax a bit. Other then being fatigued, I had an okay day. Some new effects of my drugs that are cropping up - my finger tips are numb, palms slightly numb, bottom of my feet feel bruised when I walk on them, some tingling in my toes. I know all these side effects are caused by my chemo meds. I know these meds are destroying the bad and the good blood cells inside my body. I know this has to happen in order to get me to remission. I know that each day of all these aches and pains gets me closer to my stem cell transplant. I know that transplant will extend my life expectancy by double digits. I know eventually Bill and I will be at our happy place together again (and maybe a new sewing machine to make those quilts đŸ˜‰).
When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look for stars!
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